A few days from now, billions of people will celebrate Christmas. It’s a wonderful celebration that the world awaits every year. Christmas lights, trees and carols are everywhere. Every people are preparing for their gifts to share. Corporate parties from different organizations are simultaneously conducted. As they said… it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But before you celebrate Christmas, don’t forget to take some important precautions not to ruin the true spirit of Christmas. Remember that Christ was born to save us from our sins. Thus, take your time to read, learn and avoid the following 10 sinful things you shouldn’t do this Christmas.
1. Gluttony
Christmas should be a day of thanksgiving and celebration of the year of our Lord. But it doesn’t mean we should indulge too much in lavish foods and wines just to get more blessings from God. Christ taught us how to be modest and how to have self-control. Thus, celebrate Christmas with modesty and never commit gluttony and drunkenness – these two are serious sins. Do you want to show love on Christmas day? Start by loving yourself through self-discipline and starting the New Year with a healthy body. Besides, the Lord will not be happy with gluttons and drunkards on Christmas Day.
2. Pride
Christ first showed humility when He was born. Where He was born in a luxurious room? No. Hence, if you will celebrate Christmas with a proud display of expensive decorations and lights from electricity, would the angels of heaven or the Lord, Himself, be happy with that? Remember that there are millions or even billions of people in the world who are currently starving for food this Christmas. Christ humbled Himself to save the people. Therefore, if you have many blessings, is it wiser to share them to the destitute rather than to show and boast it in a fancy display.
3. Greed
Be generous. If you are a businessman, don’t raise your prices too high just to take advantage of the Christmas rush and make more money. If you’re an employer, give that Christmas bonus your employees deserve – it’s a percentage of your sales or profit anyway. Share your blessing to the poor instead of feeding the rich people, such as the dishonest politicians and other personalities that you can get rewards in return. Christmas is the time for giving and sharing. It’s the time to be selfless. Furthermore, money and other goods are not the only things that we can share. We can also share time with our loved ones. So forget the money you will earn from working overtime, share your precious time and moments with the ones you love. Remember that Christ has sacrificed His status as a God just to be with us.
4. Lust
It’s Christmas Party everywhere. So you need to wear you best looking dress. But would it be better if you could wear a decent and modest dress, rather than a provocative one? Christmas parties should uplift the spirit of Christmas and not the spirit of lust. How about when going to church during a Christmas mass? The fact is… there are those people who make the church as a fashion house to walk wearing their not-so Christian dresses to boast and attract the attention of men. Aren’t you there inside to pray to God or to tell the public how beautiful and appealing you are? Let us all observe modesty.
5. Sloth
Christmas season is a Holiday season. Employees take their vacation and students get their break from school. So what do you plan to do on those days, sleep and watch TV all day? Why not use the days to develop your self, your personality and your spiritual condition? Christmas is the time that we should give our attention to the Lord – to His purpose to save us. Although God have washed our sins, we still need to continue on keeping His words and practicing His commandments. What if you don’t know those words and commandments? Let’s not be lazy – let’s read the Bible.
6. Wrath
Hatred should be removed from our hearts before the end of each day. If you are still keeping that anger with you over the past few days or even the past long years, it would burst as a wrath. This season is a time for showing kindness and forgiveness. So let us get rid of our planted hatred and never proceed to vengeance. Anger and vengeance will only make our life miserable this Christmas. It’s obvious why God wants us to be kind and forgiving – He wants us to live a clean life. Further, God also show mercy and forgiveness to merciful and forgiving people.
6. Envy
Okay, your neighbor got a new car and you don’t. Your co-worker also got promoted and you didn’t. And when you log in to Facebook and browse the statuses and newly uploaded photos of your friends, you find out that they are already leaving you behind financially and economically. Now don’t make these reasons for you to envy. You don’t need to be envious and jealous with anyone anyway. Mind your own business and strive for success. Envy is a great sin because it can make you do the things of the greedy, selfish and deceitful people just to stop others from leaving you behind in many ways. Let us avoid envy this Christmas and in everyday.
7. Lie
Truth is one of the best gifts you can give this Christmas to everyone, including your friends and even your kids. So why tell our children with things that aren’t true and let them live their childhood life in false fictions and fantasies? Remember that love rejoices in the truth. Therefore, if you love your kids let them enjoy what is true and not what is a lie. Everyone deserves the truth, especially the little children who have the right to live in the truth. God is a symbol of truth for it’s impossible for God to lie. Hence, let us do our best to be honest all the time. If you are selling goods during Christmas, don’t deceive your customers during your marketing campaign just to generate more sales. Let us follow ethical advertising.
8. Idolatry
The spirit of Christmas is a spirit, right? So it’s not what your eyes can see or what your mouth can fill in. The spirit of Christmas is what our spirits feed. The spirits of Christmas is God’s love and the love you will give to God and His people. That is why this Christmas, let’s be spiritual rather than material. Christmas trees, Noche Buena, gift boxes, cash are good, but don’t set your love and joy on them. Don’t put your heart on things that perish against time. Christmas is the time to worship God, who is a pure spirit – we must also worship Him spiritually… not materially. Remember that idolatry is an abomination to the Lord.
9. Dissension
Christmas is about joy and peace. And when it comes to peacefulness, peace means inner peace and not only means silence. Silence can sometimes lead to confusion and fight. This Christmas, let us start initiating peace within ourselves by fixing conflicts inside us. If you can do that you will be a man of peace who brings joy to anyone. Don’t inject conflict and trouble in the minds and hearts of your neighbors. Let us fight for peace and not fight for the destruction of other people. Don’t be like the evil who like people to fight each other and destroy both their souls. This Christmas, be a defender of true peace; be the speaker of peace.
10 Wicked Plots
Last but not the least, don’t steal anything during Christmas. Don’t make poverty the reason to rob money from other people and commit crime. Don’t make Christmas an opportunity to fool people and steal their money to make you richer. Business owners should not be tempted to make evil plots just to earn more profit this Christmas. Anyone should refrain from bad intentions. Christmas is about emotional, mental and spiritual cleanliness. It’s not about getting dirty. So if you’re planning something evil this Christmas, forget it.
I hope I did not become too killjoy to your Christmas celebration. But Christmas should be celebrated with the joy that last forever. Thus, we should avoid sins. Remember that God has sacrificed His beloved and only begotten Son for our redemption. Remember that Christ was born and died in a cross to save us from our sins. Isn’t it fair enough for us to refrain from committing sins on Christmas Eve?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” –John 3:16 (NIV)
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Only in christmas? how about avoiding them everyday and not just on christmas
It would depend on the reader. Since I believe that Christmas is all of the years of the Lord, those sinful things should not be done at all times. How about you? 🙂
Happy Holidays to you Vic and the rest of your family. 😀
I am not a religious type of person but I believe in God, despite being imperfect and since we really cant say that we can get rid of those things, minimize and as much as possible avoid them would do 😀
That’s great! Happy Holidays too and happy A.D. – Happy Years of Our Lord.
Hah, so difficult to follow yet a must for every human being, irregardless of their religious belief … =)
Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year! 😛
Difficult but that’s what make them challenging. I believe that anything hard that can’t kill you will make you stronger. 🙂 Happy Holidays!