Entrepreneurship is tough. It involves a lot of challenges and requires a lot of sacrifices to carry out successfully. Entrepreneurs who take the risks in starting an enterprise and bringing their great ideas to the market usually face difficult trials, such as the lack of financial resources and lack of people support. That is why they need to make themselves tough enough to survive and succeed in the entrepreneurial world. To strengthen your entrepreneurial spirit, here are 18 personal development tips for entrepreneurs.
1. Overcome your worst enemy – you. Defy your own greed, lies, foolishness, injustice and other negative personal qualities that may destroy your business and life as a whole.
2. If you can’t be perfect, then at least set your direction to perfection. That is why we need to always come up with a great plan to minimize mistakes.
3. Learn how to be invisible. In other words, learn how to be selfless.
4. Allow yourself to be low to lift people up. Be humble and inspire other people.
5. Be sharp yet be gentle in leading your employees and followers.
6. Don’t just listen to what people say, but also feel what they feel. In other words, be compassionate.
7. Don’t just memorize things, but also realize them. Don’t just acquire knowledge through reading and wisdom through weighing, but also obtain understanding through experience and insight through reflections.
8. Take a dose of self-motivation every day. Be positive and be resourceful in getting inspiration anywhere.
9. Be strong enough to hold and control yourself. Be a disciple of self-discipline.
10. Review your principles in life. Correct the wrong principles and make the good principles better.
11. Deepen your values to become your core values. Don’t just put your values in your heart, but also put them in your whole life or way of living.
12. Consider taking challenges as an opportunity to produce more strength and endurance.
13. Produce more patience by not backing out from any crisis. Remember that life is a long test.
14. Fire up your dream to make it a burning desire.
15. Care for your health. Don’t abuse your body and make it start complaining. Make your body your buddy.
16. Have inner peace by learning how to forget, forgive and forward. Take note that inner peace gives us focus and pure power.
17. Be a light so that people will place you at the top just like street lights. Always bear in mind that a person who tells the truth earns people’s trust, respect and confidence.
18. Love yourself so that you can learn how to love others, who may include your employees, business partners, customers, and the public.
Most of these tips are self-explanatory. However, self-explanatory things are usually hard to explain by people who don’t practice personal development. Therefore, let us consistently practice personal development so that we can really explain self-explanatory things and apply them accordingly to our business and to our entire life.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Value your customers and they will value your product too.
That’s right. Just like a good karma. 🙂