Are you a business owner or a marketer? Have you already built a Facebook Page for your business? If you haven’t created that yet, then you should act now. Facebook Pages are for businesses, organization, celebrities, and bands to broadcast great information in an official and public manner to people who choose to connect with them. It works similar to personal profile or timeline, which can be enhanced with applications that help your business communicate and engage with its audiences and attract new audiences through friend recommendations, news feed stories, Facebook events, and other means. These audiences may consist of people who have liked your page or those who have been reached by your page contents. Most businesses in the world, small or big, have already jumped in to Facebook to promote their brand on the social media. Unfortunately, there are still businesses that have not taken this opportunity. If your business or company is one of them, then you might consider the following 20 benefits of having a Facebook Page for your business.
1. Build your brand on the social media. With more than 845 million active users as of this post, Facebook is the largest social networking site in the world. Having a Facebook Page that is dedicated to your company can put your business on the social media radar.
2. Showcase your products and services. You can easily upload photos and videos, and share links and updates about your products on your Facebook page. The photos of your products can also be organized through albums with title and description.
3. Accessible 24/7 from anywhere. Facebook pages are always accessible online anytime and anywhere with an Internet connection. It’s like a virtual store or office that doesn’t close 24/7 and can be reached by Facebook users right at their desktop, laptop, tablet computer or mobile phone.
4. Interact with potential and existing customers. Facebook is a social networking site – it’s a place for people’s interaction and socialization. With a Facebook business page, you can make your business more engaging by sharing exciting updates about your products and starting interesting discussions with your business fans or followers.
5. Convenience for customers. Majority of your customers might have a Facebook account. Thus, your business presence on Facebook, which can give them the ability to connect with you on this social media, is an added value for them.
6. Strengthens trust and relationship with customers. With your business visibility on Facebook, which include making a complete company information on your about section, answering people’s questions, and providing quality products to customers, trust and confidence is built from them.
7. It gives you important marketing insights. Facebook gives page admin the ability to read insights from their own page. These insights include the demographics (gender and age) and location of your audience.
8. Target the right market. Finding and targeting the right market and potential customers on Facebook can be all done at your computer. You can search for potential customers according to gender, age, location and interest. You also have the option to invest money on Facebook’s page advertising.
9. Manage your social media reputation. You have the control on what information will be shared and spread about your business on Facebook. You will also have the chance to defend your brand from Facebook users who will attack your business.
10. Create viral marketing campaigns. With millions of users everyday, Facebook can be the perfect medium to lunch your viral marketing campaigns. Unique and interesting photos that go viral can attract hundreds or even thousands of likes to your page in an instant.
11. It helps you win the business competition. If your competitors don’t have Facebook pages yet, then your engaging page can be your advantage over them. Now, if your competitors already have Facebook pages and you don’t have, creating your page will prevent your business from being left behind.
12. Boost your sales and profitability. With extended marketing reach and increasing customers, sales and profitability is more likely to grow.
13. Drive traffic to your business website. If you have a website for your business, your page can be your social media marketing tool to drive traffic or visitors to your site.
14. Reward your customers and followers. By conforming to Facebook’s rules and policies on promotion, you can launch contests and give rewards to your followers and customers. This is also a great way to make your page more exciting and engaging.
15. Works as a webpage for your business. You can secure a unique username or address for your Facebook page (ex. which should be available at the time of creation. You can also direct people to that address or use it in your marketing materials, such as in business card and business listing. Even without a website, you can give your business an online presence through a Facebook Page.
16. Indexed by search engines. Your business page can also be indexed by search engines. Thus, people can also find your business not only on social media, but also on search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
17. Make important announcements. Facebook Pages work like everybody’s Facebook profile or timeline. Hence, it is easy to share statuses and make important announcements, like your company events and personnel hiring announcements.
18. Educate and inspire people. Although it’s a business page, you can also effectively share personal posts that can inspire people. Remember, that business with a human touch is a business made not only for money, but importantly made for people.
19. Help people. If you find happiness and fulfillment in helping people, a Facebook page can even help you more in promoting your cause. You can optimize your page for carrying out your social responsibilities.
20. Free for your business. Yes, creating a Facebook page for your business is totally free. All you need is to have a personal Facebook account and be the official representative to your business.
If your business doesn’t have a Facebook Page yet, then you are missing those benefits above. Hence, don’t make it too late to grab this great opportunity that Facebook is giving to business owners and marketers for free.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Anton Koekemoer says
Wow – Great Post, Thanks for sharing some really great and useful tips. A lot of people neglect some of the tips mentioned – which is really valuable for your online reputation, not just only your facebook page. Thanks for sharing.