Here are 30 quick business tips for entrepreneurs. I want our blog, which is titled business tips Philippines, stand to its name in sharing good tips that will guide and help people succeed in their business and entrepreneurship. Achieving optimal success can be tricky, yet we find ways to simplify it by conducting clever experiments. We know that we cannot accomplish our goals alone. Two heads are better than one; four eyes are better than two. Thus, allow me for this moment of time to become your business mentor. I hope you will find some light to brighten up your business with the following list of short entrepreneurial tips.
1. Start a business that you will never quit. Choose one that has a value, not only for money, but also for life.
2. Have a vision… a realistic vision. Don’t forget to consider and reflect on the things that are not usually seen by our physical eyes. Have better principles and formulate better attitudes.
3. Create a mission and make it a very important part of your life. Make it something connected with your heart and soul.
4. Set specific goals and objectives; make them measurable and time-bound. Divide and conquer.
5. Make enthusiastic steps and procedures; conduct reevaluations. Reward yourself and honor God when you reach every step.
6. Come up with a strategic plan; stick to that plan. Avoid distractions, especially the appealing and engaging distractions, which are hidden traps.
7. Start your marketing from producing quality products. Love your costumers as you love yourself.
8. Target your price for specific market. Do a market research.
9. Make your products accessible; build an online presence.
10. Make your customers satisfied; make your happy customers your very own marketers through the word of mouth.
11. Pay attention to your customers’ feedback. Don’t just listen, act to what you have listened.
12. Giveaway extra products and services. Be generous.
13. Reassure your business security; test your integrity.
14. Hire the best people, and train them.
15. Empower your workers and employees. Delegate some tasks and minimize interference (you’ve hired the best people anyway). Focus on the core of your organization. Trust them to make them trust you in return.
16. Don’t just manage your people; lead them. Lead them to assure no one is left behind; follow them to ensure that no one is leaving you behind.
17. Adapt to the fast changing technology, but still be human. Be innovative, but be sure to be relative.
18. Be the first. If you’re not the first, be the best. If you’re not the best, be the most helpful.
19. Be unique. Do not waste your creativity and imagination.
20. Obey the laws of the land. Make your business legitimate and pay your taxes.
21. Have financial freedom; be free from the love of money, which is the root of all evils (i.e., greed, envy and deceit) that destroy your business.
22. If you can’t compete, cooperate. If you don’t want to cooperate, dive to the deepest blue ocean and build your own market.
23. Build a brand; built it all the time. Protect your business name at all time.
24. Establish an emergency fund. Start it like there is no tomorrow.
25. Be friendly not only to customers, but also to the public. Public and government companies are not the only offices for public trust; a private company should also be a public trust.
26. Color your business with green; protect our Mother Nature. Be matured and imagine a better world to live.
27. Avoid the medical bills; be a wise and healthy entrepreneur. Burn your extra calories and be a model of discipline.
28. Promote the health and safety of your workers, as you care and preserve the health of your family. Remember that they are working hard to make you a living – and a living for your real family.
29. Learn how to read and understand financial statements. Learn accounting. Take note that it is the language of business. Imagine your business life without a language.
30. Be spiritual and find your inner self. Be joyful, peaceful, fruitful and thankful.
Thank you for reading this post. Remember those 30 business tips because the author of this post was born 30 years ago on this day. 🙂
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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I have a full time job. I couldn’t give up this for I am the breadwinner of our family.