You started your small business and now you want more people to hear and see what you have to offer. Of course, you are aware that without good marketing, there is not much chance for success. This is a fact since no one will be interested in a product or service that he has never heard of before. Effective advertising is a crucial precondition for the development of a successful and profitable business. It’s almost as important as the quality of what you offer.
However, large advertising campaigns often require a lot of money. But, what if you are not in a position to spend some additional advertising funds? Then your creativity enters the scene.
Find out below what ways of advertising exist, and how can you proclaim your own business on the Internet without spending money.
1. Present Your Services To Websites That Offer Free Ads
Many websites offer to advertise your company or services that you provide completely for free. Such sites have an interest in earning over premium lists, and they will charge that service. But, you can get regular visibility without spending a dime. Also, one of the ways, though not completely free, can be the promotion of customer services through affiliate program websites. In both cases, the good thing is that a potential customer will be able to find a link that leads to your website, images of your products, or basic information about the services you offer. Some marketing experts are announcing a new step in the evolution of digital marketing in the form of Chatbots. That should give users a far better customer experience.
2. Make A Press Release For Any News That You Want To Present
If you have something to tell your potential customers, make a simple PR statement. Afterwards, place it on some of the sites that collect such type of posts and place them completely free. Be active on social networks, and become a PR of your new business. Make your post very clear and tempting. If you have good PR skills, your announcement may be picked up by some of the mainstream media, giving you a free promotion in front of a greater audience.
3. Social Network Presence – Imperative For Successful Business
You’ve started a business, and still don’t have a page on Facebook, or a Twitter and LinkedIn account? This is an initial mistake. First, these are websites with exceptionally high Google ranking. Opening accounts on social networks are a necessity for a good start and placement of your business on the market. Facebook and Twitter, for example, provide you with the opportunity to communicate directly with your customers via chats, which is a huge advantage you should be using.
Social networks are a true mine of opportunities and require a really minimal investment in advertising. You can become more recognizable in your industry and acquire a large number of clients. It is true that this is already paid promotion, but with the smallest investment – the results can be really fantastic.
4. Leave Comments On Popular Blogs And Forums
Do not hesitate to read and comment on blogs that have any connection, even indirect, with your business. Take 30 minutes a day, and leave a few comments on the latest posts. Therefore, you will always have the option to post a link to your site or to your page on one of your social networks in one of the comments. This is great for the SEO of your site.
Also, try to be present at some narrow professional forums connected to your business. Register and actively participate in discussions. You may even try to offer solutions to some problems. Remember, you have not subscribed to leave a post with the link to your site from time to time. That can be quite irritating and counterproductive. Link, on the other hand, may be placed in your signature, which will be automatically displayed after each post.
5. Use YouTube And Flickr To Become Recognizable
Multimedia content is both, present and future of advertising. Video content is especially popular. Just watch your News Feed on Facebook and you’ll see that everyone uses OSL videos. So try to create video content to present your company, product or service, and place it on YouTube and other social networks. There are many free tools to help you. The Flickr account allows you to present your business through interesting photographs. Its advantage is that you can find all the information in one place. You can create photo albums that will show the world what you do, and you can also leave a link to your website or social network pages.
Wrapping Up
So, if you are creative enough, you can earn money without investing money. Good ideas are what separates successful and less successful managers, and they are often decisive in order to make your small business successful.
Carolin Petterson is a businesswoman and content marketer with years of experience under her belt. She has had the opportunity to contribute to a number of popular business and marketing websites.
Hey Carolin, thanks for sharing this article. Honestly I didn’t know that FLICKR is also can be used for marketing purpose.