A successful online marketing campaign requires one of two things. Money or time, and in some instances both. In order to get your business noticed and tap in to the vast internet traffic, every entrepreneur must demonstrate technical knowledge beyond that of mere Search Engine Optimisation.
Be careful placing your trust in self-proclaimed SEO experts who can often be more interested in taking your money rather than helping you make it. Instead, learn and understand the basics and take your time to implement a well thought out strategy.
Here are some of the fundamental principles you should adhere to when you’re considering how best to market your online business.
1. Blogging
One of the most effective and cost efficient channels through which to influence large numbers of people, a regular blog with good quality content is well worth the time and effort to get up and running.
It’s no good writing one for the sake of it, however, so you must ensure whoever is tasked with this responsibility has a good understanding of the subject area and can convey that knowledge passionately and whilst engaging the reader.
Building a significant and loyal following takes commitment and time, however, so don’t give up after a few months if you don’t think you’re getting anywhere. Patience, as they say, is a virtue, and once properly up and running, there’s no reason why an effective blog can’t generate a healthy monthly income for your business.
2. Vlogging
Whilst many consumers out there do still have the sticking power to read 1,000+ words of good quality and informative content, there are plenty who simply won’t bother.
The best way of reaching and engaging that audience? Video content. Why not create your own YouTube channel where you can upload videos which give viewers the tools to do something they otherwise may not be able to do.
Providing information and knowledge that you would ordinarily seek remuneration for may seem a little counterintuitive, but it is a really good way of establishing yourself as a trustworthy source on your chosen subject area whilst acquiring a band of followers willing to pay for your services and who will keep coming.
Much like blogging, this takes a great deal of time and effort to build a healthy following, but once you get there, it is the perfect way of attracting the right groups of people to whatever product or service you are trying to sell.
3. Email Campaigns
Marketing via email is both relatively cheap, and offers one of the better returns in terms of time and energy expended. The key to success is to develop good enough quality copy not only to lure the right kind of customers to your site but also get them to register for your email list.
Once you’ve got them hooked, you must keep them interested with regular contact and information which they can use, whilst all the time trying to push the sale.
Much like with any of the online marketing channels we’ve discussed already, email marketing is not going to generate you sales overnight. By keeping the customer at the centre of the strategy and remaining patient, it can, however, be a very successful method of attracting and maintaining customers in the long run!
4. Social Media
There is little doubting the influence of social media platforms on the everyday lives of huge numbers of people. It’s a vast network of information and sharing which if manipulated to your advantage can be an excellent tool with which to market your business.
A good technical knowledge of online marketing, unfortunately, is not enough to make the most of this digital goldmine. You must also understand how and why people behave in certain ways, and how best to interact with them in order to achieve what you want.
One way of boosting your initial impact on social media and order to kick start your influence in this arena is to seek to the assistance of those already well placed with a significant base of followers to promote your business.
This might set you back a small expenditure to begin with but it is integral to gaining the traction your product or service needs in order for your business to become profitable. Provided you take care of the basics, it will almost certainly be a worthwhile investment.
5. Search Engine Optimisation
SEO is without doubt one of the most cost effective methods of online digital marketing and if used properly, can also be one of the most successful in terms of generating potential customers for your business.
It is, however, not a simple world to master, and requires a detailed technical knowledge in order to make the most of. Getting to grips with the basics is an absolute must, but once you become proficient, you can market almost any product or service whilst spending barely anything.
6. Content Marketing
Positioning your content on already established and trusted websites is a great way of generating visibility for your business quickly, provided the information your delivering is of a high quality.
This is an especially useful tactic if you have a new website which hasn’t had the time to build its own authority yet.
7. Word Of Mouth Marketing
Prior to the digital age, businesses became successful through word of mouth, often recommendations between family and friends.
Now, with the ease at which people can communicate via the internet and the plethora of opportunities available to review your experiences of products and services, the power of ‘referral marketing’ has never been greater.
Why not include a link in your email campaigns to trusted review sites such as Yelp, or Reviewlatest where and allow your customers to share their positive interactions with your businesses products or services.
Provided you are delivering a good quality product or service, and can keep the majority of your customers happy this is a pretty effective way of generating trusted marketing without having to do a great deal yourself. There is little an online consumer trusts more than the reviews and opinions of their peers.

Richard Dean is a Director at Caffeinated, one of the fastest growing link building and content creation agencies.
He started and invested in a number of data and digital startups since 2008, but found his real passion for SEO.
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