In times of crisis and panic, there is no one, if not a few people, who would ever help you. Most of us live in a state of relative complacency, unaware of the dangers that may suddenly occur without any forewarning. May it be an accident or health problem that causes unwanted … [Read more...]
How to Save Your Money in the Bank
When learning how to save your money in the bank, you come across various banking jargon that may not make sense if you are not familiar with banking procedures yet. One of the first phrases you will encounter is savings interest rate. That is basically what the bank pays you for … [Read more...]
How to Save Money in the Philippines
Most people would see thriftiness as a series of sacrifices made in the expense of enjoyment in life. However, nothing is further from the truth as saving money is not merely just begrudgingly done for practical reasons, but a complete lifestyle decision. There is no need for … [Read more...]
How to Save Money on Your Telephone Bill
The landline telephone is still a primary medium of communication, despite the newer forms such as text messaging and the Internet. In fact, a lot of those are centered around landline telephone networks. It is still the best way to keep in touch with family and friends, as well … [Read more...]
How to Reduce Your Small Business Expenses
All business, no matter how big they have become, always start small and singular. There is no shame at all in doing what you can to minimize your expenses since that is what every business should do in the first place. Cutting costs is seen by most as a desperate means to stay … [Read more...]
How to Save Money on Gas and Fuel
Since its invention, the automobile has become the blood that flows in the veins of civilization. It provides transportation and logistics in many aspects of everyday life in this world, and we have grown very used to it. However, it does require fuel in order to run, which is … [Read more...]