What are the best business ideas for the future and beyond? Successful businessmen and entrepreneurs speculate and predict the industry trends to assure sustainability and long-term success. Whether we are thinking of a big or a small business, we need to have a picture of what will be the market in the future. Some businesses will fade; some industry will subsist, while others will start to rise. Tomorrow’s businesses are significantly affected by the rise of the new technology, the climate change, and the never-ending journey of the humankind to achieve a better and safer world to live. The following are 22 business ideas and trends of the future which you may want to take a look.
1. Healthcare. With the world getting more pollutants and the people spending more in daily stressful works and jobs, health care services will continue to rise. The healthcare industry includes medical equipment and supplies providers, hospitals, home health care providers, nursing homes, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, biopharmacy and other medical and scientific services. Hence, the business ideas that relate to healthcare will still continue and even become more revolutionized in the future.
2. Wellness. Healthcare involves our healthy body, but wellness involves a healthy balance of our mind, body and spirit that results to an overall life’s wellness. Though wellness can be considered as ancient practice, this will still continue and even become more prominent in the future. The wellness industry includes life coaching, yoga, nutrition related services, stress management, rehabilitation facilities spiritual counseling and any other services that help achieve a person’s wellness.
3. Recycling. In the future, almost everything should be saved and nothing should be wasted. The recycling industry, from plastics to energy will be more intensified and even become mandated.
4. Space Travel and leisure. The possibilities are getting nearer. Lunar hotels in the moon can be a destination for people who want to have space leisure and adventure. Commercial passenger spacecrafts and even space cruises are coming on their ways. Though this is possible, this can only be started by multi-billion dollar companies.
5. Outer space mining. We cannot afford to exhaust our planet’s resources. In the future, there will be mining operations in the space, in the moon, other planets, asteroids and beyond. Again, this is a multi-billion dollar business idea.
6. Nanotechnology. More nanotechnology products will come out to market in the future. Nanomedicine will also become more applicable in tomorrow’s human lives.
7. Personal or household robotics. Industrial companies are already using robots to manufacture their products. Major medical operations are also done in some high-tech hospitals of the world. In the future, robots are expected to be seen in households doing your dishes and other household tasks.
8. Cloud personnel recruitment. Manpower will be more virtual than physical in the future. Companies will be needing more cloud personnel or workers online to save costs and focus on their core operations. Cloud personnel are also good for the environment. Since many people will be working from their home or their own place, carbon emissions from their vehicles will be reduced.
9. Hybrid business. One-stop shop businesses, or those which offer diverse products and services will become more and more feasible in the future. Think of a business which has various lines of products and services which are related to each other. Other hybrid businesses are also concerned with their social responsibilities, incorporating non-profit activities to its operations.
10. Franchising. With many successful enterprises playing in the market, starting a new enterprise and trying to compete with the more established and successful businesses can become hardly practicable. Thus, the better business idea is to cooperate rather than to compete. This can be done by franchising an already successful and stable business.
11. Electric cars and electric public vehicles. The reign of black oil will be long gone in the future. E-Jeepneys are already roaming the city of Makati in the Philippines.
12. Car charging station. With increasing numbers of electric cars, car changing stations will also bloom.
13. Environmental audit. Every company will be required to comply with environmental safety standards. Environmental auditing firms will be more demanded in the future.
14. Hydroponics and vertical farming. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Farming will be done in the cities to reduce transportation cost and carbon emissions from the delivery of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products.
15. Security services. Safeguarding our assets, whether they are kept physically or virtually will become more important in the future. This industry includes manned guarding, key holding, security deposits, CCTV, et cetera.
16. Privacy protection services. With the world’s more advanced technologies, personal privacy is becoming hard to protect (consider Facebook, high-tech cameras and CCTVs). Thus, products and services that will help people protect their privacy will find their way to a hot market.
17. Purified water. Purified water will become more valuable in the future. We do not also ignore the marketability of purified air in the future.
18. Local virtual shopping malls. There are already websites offering a virtual shopping mall experience. A website providing local virtual shopping mall will be more efficient since it can deliver orders faster than foreign sites.
19. Virtual classrooms. If there are virtual shopping malls, virtual schools will also come on the rise. Teachers and students will hold classes online with more virtual reality experience, such as by using 3D and other advance technologies.
20. Virtual estate leasing. Shopping, education, advertising, stores and corporate offices are going online. Just like real estate leasing, virtual estate will be a good business now and in the future.
21. Organic foods. The people will be more conscious with their health and wellness, as we discussed in numbers 1 and 2. Thus, they will choose foods that are not produced using inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
22. 3D mobiles. 3D and 4D are now in the mobiles through the laptops and notebooks. It will soon reach your mobile phones.
The list above is published for informational use only. If you have other business ideas for the future, you can freely share them to us by making a comment below.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
great info..
I want to engage in a business, I’m a nurse by profession and I love sports(basketball and going to gym) but I don’t know what business would be suitable for me.. healthcare+wellness+organic foods?? how to incorporate those 3.. need your idea… Thanks