Hope for All Children
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Company Details
Hope For All Children, an Advocacy NonProfit Organization, is a multi-faceted mission focused on addressing three of the world's greatest injustices in our generation: the #orphanedchildren, the #traffickedchildren, and the #hungrychildren.
Adopt Them All
There are approximately 145 milion children in the world who have lost one or both parents. In the Philippines, there are an estimated 1.5 million street children - those who spend most or all of their time on the streets. Of those, approximately 400,000 literally make their homes on the streets. Here are just a few ways you can make a diffrerence: 1. Pray! Ask the Lord to show you what you can do to be a defender of the fatherless in this generation. Pray for those who do not have a family. 2. Consider adopting a child into your own family. 3. Partner with Hope For All Children or another organization that is actively involved in the plight of the orphan.
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