It’s now officially January 1, 2012! Happy New Year to all our readers and future readers! It’s been a tradition for many blogs and bloggers to make a year-end report. That is why I was also influenced to write this quick blog post while the New Year is still hot and kicking. I am hoping that somehow I would inspire some people by sharing our blog’s humble short report on its first year of blogging. I will not tell my personal story as a blogger or as a lover 🙂 since this is a business blog. Besides, if I will write what happened to me all this year, it might extend as lengthy as a book. So here is the quick summary of what happened and what this blog has achieved in the 11 months and 5 days of blogging in the year 2011.
1. I’ve published our first blog post titled “Business Development Blog from the Philippines” on January 26, 2011. The post was actually a short introduction about this blog.
2. As of December 31, 2011 we have already published 368 blog posts or articles.
3. We have also approved 1,088 comments from our readers as of this date.
4. Our Facebook Page has been liked by 1,281 Facebook users.
5. We have 220 Email RSS Subscribers via Feedburner
6. I have 2,617 Twitter Followers now. I wish I started creating my personal Twitter a long time ago, but I only got active tweeting this year. I was busy tweeting for my other business blogs in the previous years. 🙂
7. From February 2011, this blog was already visited by 364,673 visitors and viewed 539,168 times according to Sitemeter. I installed Google Analytics later.
8. Since March 23, 2011, this blog has accumulated gross receipts of $1,149 from Google Adsense . I actually become active as a writer this year rather than a monetizer. That is why the lazy monetizer in me just placed the quick and easy Adsense on this blog. I will do my best to improve in monetizing this year. Serve first before profit. Now, it’s time for profit (of course clean profit). LOL!
9. We became the 144,735th most visited websites by people from all over the world and 787th most visited websites by Filipinos according to Alexa.
10. Just a few months since we launched this blog, we earned a Google PR 2 and got stuck to it until now. But it’s okay because I don’t care much about Google’s Page Rank. 🙂
11. With less than a year of blogging, we are already the 5th most visited business blog in the Philippines according to along with the senior blogs at the top and with the other hundred blogs in this category. This year, I will push this blog harder to the top. To all our competitors… be prepared. LOL! You are all actually my inspirations and motivations. Let us actually all push our blogs harder to the top to better serve our customers – who are our readers. I’m actually eyeing the international rankings. LOL
12. Our blog was recognized as a Finalist in the 2011 Philippine Blog Awards in three different categories, namely Business Category, Readers’ Choice Awards and Best Single Post Category for the blog post “How to End Poverty in the Philippines”. It’s tough asking all your friends to like your entry on Facebook. But I learned a lot of golden lessons from it. 🙂
13. We also got some mentions in the articles and news features of top business blogs outside the Philippines, such as on
14. We have extended reaching business minded people by creating BusinessForum.Ph (a business community online) and BusinessDirectory.Ph (a free online directory of businesses in the Philippines).
I am happy to what this blog has achieved so far. I have the choice to skyrocket its traffic and earnings, but I want this blog to grow gradually like a tree. I also want to ensure that our growth will be natural and organic. It’s just sweet to think that last New Year, I was just imagining that I have a business blog that is read by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide… and now it becomes a reality. This 2012, I will ensure that these number will grow to millions. Happy New Year and more success to all of us!
For more readings, you may also read our post about our Top Blog Posts for the year 2011.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Congrats Vic and BusinessTips for a job well done!
Wish you more success… and hopefully this blog will continue to grow, not only this new year but for the years to come… 😛
Have a prosperous new year! =)
Thanks Ariston. We shall all have a prosperous New Year always. 🙂
Happy New Year Vic! Wishing you and (and business accent and all your other websites…hehe) all the best in 2012 and beyond!
Thanks Jay for the power-packed greetings. Hehe. I’m also looking forward for Foreclosure Philippines to be the best in its field, not only in the Philippines but also in the world.
Hi Sir Vic,
This blog is definitely inspiring!
I think it’s my first time here, but the very neat layout and original contents really impressed me.
By the way, I just read an article from hubpages that publishing your exact Google Adsense earning is against Adsense policy and might get you banned. I don’t know if it’s true or if it only concerns publishing detailed screenshots of your earnings – just saying.
Let me also grab this space to greet you a Prosperous 2012 and more power to!
Hi Yodi, I’m glad you find my blog something good. Hehe. Disclosing your Adsense Gross Payments is not a violation of its TOS, since it’s not included in the confidential information that must not be disclosed. Gross payments are not private information since the Western Union, BIR (tax purposes) and other government or public entities may know it. What is not allowed to disclose are the information that are owned by Google, such as clickthrough rates, Cost per Click, cost per keyword or other statistics relating to Property performance in the Program provided to You by Google. Happy New Year too! Let us all have success!