When we talk about good and bad business communication, we normally think in terms of effectiveness. Was the speaker clear? Was the presentation well structured? Was the right decision reached at the end of the meeting? But we can also look at communication from an ethical … [Read more...]
25 Ways to Make Your Business More Socially Responsible
Businesses all over the world are encouraged to be socially responsible. Big companies in some countries are even required to implement their corporate social responsibility. But do we really need to wait for some laws and legislations that will mandate us to perform our social … [Read more...]
How to Maintain a Good Business Name and Reputation
How to maintain a good business name and reputation? Having a catchy business name requires a lot of imagining and brainstorming. But having a good and reputable company name goes beyond brain and imagination. It must be a product not only of your heart or a series of mere … [Read more...]