How to save your money wisely and simply? When we want to achieve something great, we can achieve it in simple ways, but not in easy ways, especially when it comes to saving our precious money. Saving our bucks doesn’t only involve keeping ourselves out from buying anything that … [Read more...]
How to Get Out of Debt Problems
How to get out of debt trouble and problems? Not all debts give problems. They can even help us save taxes when there is interest expense, aid us in generating more profit by utilizing loan proceeds, and help our business grow more by using the funds for business expansion. Thus, … [Read more...]
What is the True Meaning of Financial Freedom?
So what is the true meaning of financial freedom? If you want to achieve it, you must know and understand it first. This is to assure that you are heading to a real financial independence that can make you truly happy in life, and not to a false freedom that will put you into … [Read more...]
How to Achieve Financial Freedom
People want to get out of debt, save more money, earn more passive income, and achieve financial freedom. However, most of us are still waiting for these things to happen. What’s the problem? What’s wrong with all the good things and plans we have in mind to battle debts and … [Read more...]
Manny Pacquiao Earnings and the Best Paid Athletes 2010-2011
Have you asked how much is Manny Pacquiao’s earnings? Just how much money he is making from the sports of boxing? ESPN The Magazine, in its May 2011 “all about the money” issue, publishes the best-paid athletes in 30 sports. The athletes were ranked based on their official base … [Read more...]
How to Avoid Poverty in the Philippines
How to avoid poverty in the Philippines? It’s always been my dream and desire to bring my fellow Filipinos from being poor to being rich. Well, though riches and money are often linked to greed, abuse and other negative qualities, being prosperous is what God wants us to be. As a … [Read more...]