Passive income is sweet, as it is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. Examples of these earnings are rental income from property, royalties from publishing a book, advertising income generated from websites and blogs, dividend income … [Read more...]
Tips for Buying a Condo Unit in the Philippines
The process concerned when buying a condo unit in the Philippines has been no different from purchasing a townhouse or a house and lot. One of the most essential considerations when looking for a unit is the location. Provided the heavy traffic in the Philippines each work day, … [Read more...]
How to Save Money on Your Wedding
Do you want to know some ways to save money on your wedding? Then this article is for you. Make sure to make the day of your marriage special for your bride or your groom. One of the most essential decisions you would make for the great day is the place of your feast. Are you … [Read more...]
How to Build Your Wealth
Who don’t want to be wealthy? Who don’t want abundance in valuable resources, such as financial possession, real estate, talents, skills and knowledge resources? We've all dreamed of wealth. We don’t want to be poor and suffer from the culprit of excessive debts. We want to buy … [Read more...]
How to Create a Personal Financial Budget
Managing your own money should be like riding a bike in that once you have learned it, you will not forget it. The point of having a personal financial budget is to always have a plan with your money and prevent financial problems from happening. There are also those who form … [Read more...]
How to Build an Emergency Fund
In times of crisis and panic, there is no one, if not a few people, who would ever help you. Most of us live in a state of relative complacency, unaware of the dangers that may suddenly occur without any forewarning. May it be an accident or health problem that causes unwanted … [Read more...]