How to find the right people for your business team? Hiring the most talented and skilled persons to build a successful team may not be enough. Even though you have the best people in your business or workplace if you cannot form them as a great team, their talents and skills may be wasted. The following are important tips you should watch out when finding the right team for your business:
1. Find the people who share different specific dreams and ambitions that don’t conflict with each other but share the same path that makes them go along with each other. If your ambition is to be a famous CEO, and you will also hire someone who also have that ambition, you will only compete and conflict with him in the future. On the other hand, if you will hire someone who wants to be a famous marketer someday and don’t care about becoming a CEO, you can go along with him and even help realize each other’s dream.
2. Look for the people who will need and rely with each other. Remember that without the reason to need each other, a team is difficult to unite. Make sure that they will also need your business, and your business will also need them.
3. Hire people who are better than you on their respective position. If you are hiring a manager, hire someone who is better than you in management. If you are hiring a marketer, hire someone who is better than you in marketing. You should place people, including yourself, in a position where they are the best person to accomplish the job in that particular position.
4. Choose people whom you know whether they are lying or telling the truth. Find the people whom you can make as your family. In other words, find people whom you can be familiar with. Honesty is still the best policy in any organization, but we have to admit that it’s hard to achieve. That is why you have to at least attain transparency within your team. Remember that where family is, transparency is likely to go there also.
5. Find people who will eat their own share of cake, whether it’s sweet or not. In other words, find people who will honestly take their share of blame or share of compliment.
6. Hire the employees who admit their deficiencies and are still eager to learn and grow more just like you. These are the people who will be excited to work with you and will be with you to have fun and adventure.
Remember to find the people whose dreams are big as yours, but not specifically the same as yours. Furthermore, make sure that these different dreams, though they are not exactly the same, will share a common path or direction where your business will go also.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Finding the right person for a particular job is not easy. So it is important that you hold that employee as much as possible when you found it.
Finding the right people to build an empire is quite difficult because differences will always set in. But, building a dream team is never impossible if you know how to see hunger in the employee’s eyes and you know how to motivate your people to get the job done. Of course, being a dreamer is given but the problem lies in if that dreamer is a go getter or he/she is just happy dreaming. Having people who dreams big and at the same time knows how to execute their dream would be the best.
finding the right person is eASY BUT HOW TO FIND Is difficult, its defend on hows the person finding looking at,how to observe,how they evaluate. I know how to be small people but large people know how to be small people? and i know how to be large people but small people know how to be large people? thats simple if u know… by jodrik hular