Not only is stress a detriment to your physical and emotional health, but it can hurt your company. Studies show that some one million people miss work every day due to stress. This results in a total loss of billions of dollars in the U.S. every year. If stress affects every American personally, professionally and economically, why do we continue to let it govern our lives?
Many people work from deadline to deadline pushing themselves to their limits, and for what? At some point, we need to take a step back to determine what we can realistically be responsible for in a day. This especially applies to small business owners.
Running a startup is an extremely involved process. It’s easy for an entrepreneur to slip into exhaustion and burnout almost instantly. From funding to marketing to building a team, there’s a lot of aspects to the job that can overwhelm and wear out small business owners.
When it comes to funding your business, small business owners can ask for help and re-prioritize their funding efforts. Startup funding should be the last of your worries with the help of investors and venture capital firms. Where marketing is concerned, entrepreneurs should hire a contractor who specializes in branding and graphic design. This way your business can advertise effectively while you turn your focus to other important things.
Building a team can take a lot of weight off of your back, but how do you pick the right team? As many as 23% of startups fail because they had the wrong team. Ensure your new-hires fit with your small business by filtering candidates with a keyword and including others in the interview process.
Take a moment to see if you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. If you have too much on your plate and constantly bring work home with you, it’s time to reevaluate and reorganize. Turning down some projects and delegating assignments are important facets of management that will allow you to work on what you excel in. Scheduling breaks, meditating and exercising are good ways to combat exhaustion. The hour of physical activity will increase your happiness and productivity.
If you find yourself losing your sense of direction, it may be a sign of burnout. When you initially started your endeavor you were fueled by fire and passion. You probably lost sight of this excitement as stress bogged you down. Enjoying the journey, giving back and clearly defining your values are ways to find your direction again.
For more details on how entrepreneurs can avoid burnout, check out the infographic below. is an online Business Ezine that provides free and useful articles, guide, news, tips, stories and inspirations on business, finance, entrepreneurship, management and leadership, online and offline marketing, law and taxation, and personal and professional development to Filipinos and all the business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, marketers, leaders, teachers and business students around the world.
ROBOCASH Group says
I agree with almost everything, even when you find your passion, it is important to have the strength to achieve it.
For many businessmen it can be very difficult to transfer part of their staff to midnight staff, but without a strong team and without delegation it is impossible to build a good company.
Recently I came across an interesting article on the topic of team members, I hope the information will be useful –
Thanks for infographics!