A harmonious working environment is one of the essential factors for a job well-done. Surely, you could not work easily in an office where you have to watch your back and close your ears from malicious words thrown at you by some of your workmates. In other words, it is impossible to work comfortably when you are surrounded with people you have conflict with.
Sometimes, conflicts in the workplace cannot be avoided. Pressure from work, attitude and personality clash, and misunderstanding are some of the reasons why co-workers become indifferent with each other. If such causes are not dealt properly and conflicts continue to exist in a company, or department, you could not expect an excellent output from it.
If you think you are a war-freak and your patience with your colleague is soon to be blown off, you can take these tips on how to avoid conflict with your co-workers to perform your job better and be more productive in the workplace.
1. Hold your tongue
If you know you could not say anything good towards your office mate, you better keep your mouth shut. Whatever nasty words that could come out from you would not change your colleague for the better. Of course your co-worker could be hurt by whatever bad you would say against him or her and you could not expect for a “thank you” or any positive reaction. A cold treatment, or worse, a world war would happen afterwards.
2. Just go out
If you think you could not hold your tongue for so long for whatever your co-worker is doing or saying, it is better that you excuse yourself and go out from your office. If possible, go somewhere, like the rooftop, where you can scream at the top of your lungs to release the tension. You can also take a coffee or eat something just to alleviate whatever you are feeling. Another thing which you can do is pray for self-control, more patience, and a better attitude towards the person.
3. Rebuke in gentle way
In case you know your colleague is doing something wrong and it could have a negative effect, especially on your work, talk to him or her about it but be sure to be not offensive. Do not embarrass him or her in front of your other workmates. Instead, ask to have a private chitchat. You can also treat him or her out for a positive atmosphere. Be careful in finding the right words and avoid making the person feel blamed or judged. Also, emphasize that you are just doing it because you care as a friend.
4. Do not be cranky
Yes, your colleagues could understand that you are stressed out by the pressures of work because they are too. However, you would never want them to be blunt to you and use their stress to excuse themselves for such behaviour, right? Therefore, be careful of how you manage your temper under pressure. No matter how tired you are, be sure to face and treat your co-workers in a good manner. Do not displace on them your frustrations in your work. Smile when someone approaches you and never use an irritated tone of voice.
5. Respect others’ views and opinions
Remember that each person could have a different mindset, background, personality, and belief. Therefore, to avoid clashing with other people, you have to learn to accept these things and respect others when they have different opinions from you. You can share with them your thoughts or try to convince them of your point, but never argue or debate with them. When you think your conversation is already heated, just stop and change the topic.
6. Never gossip
Backbiting or spreading gossips about your colleague can also be a threat to your peaceful workplace. You do not know where your words would reach and they could end up in the ears of your subject. Once your workmate learns about what you have been telling others about him or her you could not expect any easy reconciliation afterwards. What is worse, you would clearly appear as the antagonist and your credibility as a person would be lost. In the end you would become the subject of the gossips in your office.
7. Be careful in giving or receiving instructions
One of the usual reasons of conflicts in the workplace is miscommunication. When something fails in a project or task, employees immediately point at each other for the blame. One would say the other did not give a clear instruction, while the other would tell the opposite. Therefore, to avoid this one, see to it that whenever you give instructions to another employee, you give it clearly. Make sure that its receiver understands what you have stated. This goes the same when you are the one receiving instructions. Be sure that you get it right and do not hesitate to ask questions.
8. Give your best in your work
Of course, one of the best ways to stay out of trouble at work is to do your job well. You should be a responsible employee so that your boss and colleagues could never say anything bad against you. Come in early and avoid non-work related chit-chat in the office. Be sure your work outputs are done neatly and properly. Also, be organized not only in doing your work but also in your work space so that nothing could be lost. By being a good employee, it is impossible for everyone in your office not to like you.
9. Establish a good relationship
It is easier to understand someone you really know—and this is what you need in a stressful situation like work. Therefore, it would be a great idea to build a good relationship with your co-workers and make friends with them. By being friends with your colleagues, you would know them better, their likes and dislikes, and their attitudes. This could help you adjust yourself when dealing with them. It is also easier to rebuke those you have an established friendship with.
Lesser stress at work
With a harmonious environment, it is easier to work. A workplace where you have sincere and understanding friends can help you relax. This can also make your works faster since everyone coordinates with each other well. Therefore, make it a goal to spread peace in your office by avoiding conflict with your colleagues.

Joan Cyril Abello graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. She is a content writer and a blogger. Currently, she’s a content specialist at BusinessTips. Follow her on Twitter at @Joan_Cyril.
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