If your work requires you to touch the computer and browse through the net, such as sending emails or researching for data, and using the Skype for business communication purposes, it could be that you are bombarded by some social media temptations.
Online temptations
Social media sites, though proven helpful in many ways, have their downside too. One of the disadvantages is its way of distracting workers in their jobs and reducing their productivity rate. Not only those who are working online are tempted to go sideways during working hours, but even typical office employees who sneak off whenever their boss is not around. Here are some of the common culprit sites:
• Facebook – Updating your status or liking that of your friend’s on Facebook is one of the greatest temptations online. With Facebook or FB being somewhat a necessity for many like a cellphone, lots of people cannot work with internet without logging into their Facebook accounts.
• Twitter – Twitter is also a popular social networking site, especially for showbiz fans who want to get connected and updated of what is going on with their favorite stars. Those who think they have a social responsibility to keep those who are following them updated cannot avoid posting tweets from time to time.
• YouTube – YouTube is also a favorite web hangouts for active social media users. Aside from watching video clips and listening to music online, this social media site is also popular for aspiring artists who hope to be discovered through their uploaded videos.
Tips on avoiding internet temptations
Avoiding social media can be difficult, especially if you are active online. However, for sure you do not want to be jobless just because of your addiction to them. Therefore, to help you keep your work, here are some tips on how to avoid internet distractions at work:
1. Use internet after work
If you cannot resist your Facebook or Twitter for a day, you can at least make it a habit to log into them after all your workloads for the day are done. If possible, stay your mouse cursor away from the web browsers to avoid internet distractions. Go straight to work without taking an FB break. If you need to use the internet, stay away from social media sites. Stick to the sites you have to use and never type anything not related to your work in the search engine.
2. Check important stuff with a limited time
If you really need to check your social media accounts for important purposes like emails and business messages and data through social media, you can set a specific and limited time for it. You can do it before you start your work, if it is that necessary, but be sure that after checking and getting what you need, you immediately get away from them.
3. Work offline from social media
Some have made it a habit to work online on Facebook or Goggle+. For them, it would not hurt to keep their social media lines open. Though it could be not that harmful, it could not be that helpful either. Working while online on social media is the best way to be distracted in work. Once you get bored or tired, you could be tempted to check the site and linger on it longer than what you have planned. Also, you could not concentrate on what you are doing if you keep on hearing the buzzes that are from the incoming messages from your chatmates. Therefore, to avoid such temptations, it is best that you work offline.
4. Have a separate account for business
If social media is a big part of your work, like if you need social media to promote your business, you should create different accounts for business or work purposes. Having a different email address is also included in this change. By having separate accounts, you can focus on your work and stop personal stuff from catching your attention while on the site. This will help you to be organized too. Different accounts for different matters will prevent jumbling of messages and information. Through this, you do not have to open your personal accounts during work time.
5. Listen to online radio or other sources
If you cannot work without music, you do not have to go to YouTube to have it. You can look for an online radio channel wherein you do not have to see music and other catchy videos. If you want for specific songs, you can download (in a legal way) your favorite songs or look for a radio channel which plays your own kind of music. You can also play songs from CDs or MP3. YouTube and other sites like it can make you waste a great deal of time, especially when you come across interesting videos. Therefore, you should avoid them during work hours.
6. Make a work schedule
The best way to control your work time without the hindrance of internet distractions is by laying your schedule out. Know what you need to do in your work and fit them in a schedule for the day. If you have no fix workload daily, have a pad of to-do-list papers or sticky notes on your desk to scribble down what you need to do for each particular work time. Following this schedule will help you to stick to your works for the day and stay away from internet temptations.
7. Exhibit discipline
All the mentioned tips would be useless without the most important element that you need in order to avoid distractions. Without discipline and self-control, you cannot stay away from whatever temptation you meet on the web. The internet is actually meant to be helpful rather than harmful for your work. However, it depends on how you utilize it, so if you have no discipline it is really going to be a distraction. If you are determined to keep away from internet hassles, you have to decide that yourself.

Joan Cyril Abello graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. She is a content writer and a blogger. Currently, she’s a content specialist at BusinessTips. Follow her on Twitter at @Joan_Cyril.
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