Some people thought that being the own boss of your company is always better than being just an employee—and that is the only career worth your excellence. However, we should accept the fact that not everyone is destined to be a business owner. Also, being a worker for another person is not that bad. There are many employees who have achieved fulfillment and success in their lives.
Fulfillment in being an employee not comes from having a big salary or high position. It is more on the inward attitude of the person towards his work. If you put yourself wholly in what you do, love it, and give your best in fulfilling your duties, you will be fulfilled.
Being a responsible worker
As an employee, no matter what position you are in, means that you have a responsibility to perform and it is your duty to take charge of it. Therefore, it should be your goal to become a responsible worker.
Being successful and fulfilled in what you do start from being responsible. For instance, once your employer sees that you are responsible in your current tasks, you have a higher chance of being promoted. Once you show that you can be trusted with little, you prove that you have the capacity to handle greater things.
Moreover, not only promotion does wait for you but even influence. Would not it be nice if you become a role model to the people around you and many become better in their work performance because of what they see in you? Having created good effects in the lives of others is the best achievement that one can get.
Another reason why you need to be a responsible worker is because it can serve as a training ground for you to become a good boss once you get the opportunity to have your own business. Surely you would not want to have negligent and corrupt workers, do you? Therefore, do unto others what you want others to do unto you. If you desire to get responsible and trustworthy workers someday then you better be one first to your employer now.
Tips on how to be a responsible employee
How can you be a responsible worker then? Here are some tips of how to give your best and dedication to the responsibilities entrusted to you:
1. Do not be late
This is the very first thing that you should perfect. Tardiness is the usual problem of most employees—and even employer—and has even become a normal habit for many.
It is not only about your record on your DTR. The problem with being tardy is you rob lots of time that is supposedly for your tasks. For instance, you are given 8 hours a day to finish a certain volume of work. Nevertheless, because you always arrive 1 hour late, you got 7 hours left to finish your tasks. What would happen is that the quality of your work will be sacrificed. Why? This is because you would be after the completion of the work in a lesser time. You have no choice but to rush it or else you need to work overtime—and you got dates afterwards.
Therefore, always strive to be on time—and planning to be early is the solution to this.
2. Perform everything in your job description
You have been given lists of the tasks assigned to you. Therefore, you should see to it that you cover everything in it carefully. Avoid neglecting even the smallest detail of your job description.
Let us say that part of your work is filing of the documents and records. Since this task is such a tedious task and for you this is less important than the others, you do it once a week instead of working on it daily. No wonder at the end of the week you become more stressed—and you hate filing more—because the papers and files have piled up and become messy. You complain of disorganized documents and some lost files, not knowing that it all goes back to you because you allowed them to crowd on your small desk.
Not neglecting any part of your job will save you from more stress because your work will not pile up and this will save you time everyday. This will also keep you from delayed and rushed completion of tasks.
3. Avoid wasting work time
Sometimes, the reason why many lack time in doing all their tasks in a day is because they waste some of it. Even if you come on time but you are fond of procrastinating in the office, you still mismanage your working time.
An example of this is when you insert gossiping with your colleagues while doing your work. Of course, when your topic is interesting and you get hooked to it, you stop working for a while and focus on the story. Another is when you already get bored and sneak to watch a movie on your computer for a while—anyway your boss is away—and you lose 1 hour to that movie.
If you want to watch movie and have fun with your colleagues, it is better that you finish all your works for the day first. At least, even if you spend an hour chattering with your co-workers, but all of you are already done with your works, nothing will be sacrificed.
4. Strive for excellence
In everything you do at work, even if it is a very small task, always give your best. You have been hired in that position because your employer believes that you are the perfect one for it. It is expected that you can accomplish best those tasks assigned to you.
Sometimes, laziness is the enemy of even the best and skilled workers. Once you get bored and lazy of what you do everyday, you have the tendency to do shortcuts and you might not concentrate on it anymore. For example, if you are a content writer and you are already used to writing articles for the same client daily, there is a tendency that you would just revise the one you have created days ago to avoid researching for a new topic. This could not be the best quality you can give to your work.
To achieve excellence all the time, focus on what you do, avoid rushing it, and have passion for it. Your work reflects who you are. Therefore, if you want a fulfilled life, always aim to fulfill your duties and give your best.
Photo credit: Overwhelmed Employee by Petr Kratochvil

Joan Cyril Abello graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. She is a content writer and a blogger. Currently, she’s a content specialist at BusinessTips. Follow her on Twitter at @Joan_Cyril.
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