Coming to the office on your first day of job is one of those moments that will make you nervous. You are shy to meet your new colleagues and you get clumsy as you set your foot into the company’s building. You worry that you will not be able to perform everything that is in your job’s description, and you also fear meeting your boss.
Lack of confidence is usually the problem of new employees, especially those who are fresh graduates. They worry that they cannot get their works right or that they cannot meet the expectation of their employers. What‘s more, they also fear that their co-workers will not like them. These fears hinder them from doing their best in work and instead they end up clumsy and trembling.
Yes, it is understandable that when you are new in the workplace, you are still in the adjustment period and you are shy. However, you must not forget that first impression lasts so if you would be clumsy in the first day of your work, there is a big possibility that your new colleagues and even your boss would see you as that—a clumsy worker. It is only you then who mess up your good chance of getting the confidence of everyone in your new office.
What can you do to impress your new work environment? How can you appear—and be—confident on the first day of your job?
1. Wear nice and comfortable attire
One of the reasons for lack of self-confidence is when you are conscious of what you wear. Of course, you do not want to be laughed at because you are dressed up with a wrong combination of colors. You would want to look decent, professional, and attractive, especially if you will be surrounded by also good looking people.
Your outfit can affect how you feel about yourself. If you are wearing a great attire which you believe is attractive, you become more assured of yourself. You stop worrying of how you look like and you can focus more on your work.
Moreover, it is not enough that you are wearing attractive outfits. No matter how good your clothes are if you are not comfortable in them, you will still end up conscious of how you appear. Also, uncomfortable attire will make you pre-occupied and distracted and you cannot work well. Therefore, you should see to it that you do not only wear good outfits but they should also comfortable.
2. Look great all over
Well, you should not only focus on your attire. To look great, you must also consider other parts of your total get-up like your shoes, hair, accessories, and make-up (for women). No matter how good your outfits are if you always have a bad hair-day or your shoes do not match the color of your outfit, you are still awful.
Therefore, before the big day, it would be nice if you will go to the salon and have a total make-over. You can have a new hairstyle or go for a facial. Why not buy for a new pair of office shoes? They do not have to be expensive, as long as you are sure of the quality and they are appropriate for office attire. You can also buy accessories that can match your attire, but make sure they are not too fancy or informal so that you will be professional to look at. Last, but not the least, grab a new bottle of perfume or cologne so that your clean and attractive look will be complete with your refreshing fragrance.
3. Study about the company
So that you will know what to do inside your new office, study about the company. Know what their services and products are; who your employers and what their roles are; who the company clients and partners are; and of course, the mission and vision of the company.
With such knowledge about the company, you will have ideas of how to deal with your employers and how your works should be done according to what the business is all about.
4. Study your job description
Aside from learning about the company, it is also important that you have a clear idea of what your work is all about. What is your role in the company? What are the limitations of your work? Who are the personnel that you should tap or connect with about your job?
Once you are knowledgeable about your work, you can be confident of what you have to do. You will not get clumsy or conscious if what you are doing is right. Also, you will not need much supervision anymore since you already know what your work is.
5. Smile and be courteous
If you worry that your new colleagues would not like you, smiling often and being courteous is the solution. Every time you enter your office and you greet everyone you meet or whoever lay their eyes on you with a smile, they will have a good impression about you. If you are still trembling to utter a “good morning”, a sincere smile will do the job.
You would want to be liked by your new officemates and even your boss. To do this, you should let them see that you are a friendly and approachable soul—and this can be done through smiling. It is normal that when you see a person who is always smiling, you will say that the person is nice. Therefore, use your charm and be friendly to everyone around.
6. Remember they’re also humans
One of the reasons why new employees get afraid or nervous in going to their first day of job is because they have a big expectation from the company and they think they need to be perfect. However, once they know the employees and employers well, they already relax because they realize that they are actually the same with them—all humans—and they are also not perfect.
Therefore, have in mind that no matter how good and professional looking your other colleagues are, they are also employees like you so you should not be intimidated by them. About your employers, think that they are not monsters and they can understand their workers too.
Yes, you must show your best in your new job, but you should not set too high standards for yourself. Too much pressure can just make you clumsy and you will not be able to give your best. Therefore, just relax and walk in with your confidence.

Joan Cyril Abello graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. She is a content writer and a blogger. Currently, she’s a content specialist at BusinessTips. Follow her on Twitter at @Joan_Cyril.
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