I have already written and published almost 600 articles on this blog covering business, entrepreneurship, tax, accounting, management, online and offline marketing, business blogging, leadership, and other related topics. Those articles plus the articles contributed by our regular writers have already attracted more than 2 million people from the Philippines and the rest of the world since the birth of this blog. As of the end of 2012, the number of unique visitors to our site averages 100,000 unique visitors every month, and that number is still growing.
Blogging promotes your personal brand
Writing, blogging, and publishing on this blog have given me great benefits which I am grateful of. Because of writing on this blog, some of my tips and insights have already landed on Magazines, like Entrepreneur Philippines and MoneySense Magazine. Some of the articles I wrote for this blog have also been mentioned in other international business blogs, business school publications, online business communities, and social media groups in LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Aside from those benefits, I also got many friends, followers, and some critics. This blog has become the primary builder of my personal brand online and offline. Some people in my network are now even calling me “business tips” rather than calling me in my real name.
It’s time to share your knowledge
Now, I decided to give other authors and experts an opportunity to also share their useful tips, knowledge, experience, and insights to our audience. If you own an established business or practicing your profession, you may consider contributing your piece to our blog. For example, if you own a hotel and restaurant business, you can contribute articles on how to run a successful hotel and restaurant business. If you’re a lawyer, you can contribute educational and legal articles to guide business minded people. If you manage an accounting firm, you could also contribute useful articles on finance and accounting. In other words, this is an opportunity to share your knowledge, educate and inspire relevant audience, and promote your personal and business brand.
What you can get from becoming a contributor
If you are wondering what are the benefits that you can get from contributing an article to our blog, I have enumerated the following advantages below:
- You will have the opportunity to help, educate, and inspire people through your article.
- You will have the opportunity to promote your personal brand, business, profession, and website through your author’s bio.
- You will have the opportunity to prove your expertise, passion, and dedication to your business or profession.
- The link to your website could drive relevant traffic to your site which could be your next customers or clients.
- Your article will be published in our blog which is read by hundred thousand visitors every month.
- Your article will be indexed and become searchable on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
- Your article will also be shared in our social media network, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin.
Requirements for applying as a contributor
To make sure that our contributors and our audience would get quality results and benefit from each other, we require the following for both the article and its contributor:
A. Requirements for the contributed article:
- The article should be at least 500 words.
- The article should be educational and informative (e.g., how to, guide, tips, tricks, and secrets to success articles).
- The article should be credible and practically applicable.
- The article should cover topic that is according or relevant to the expertise of the author or contributor.
- The article should cover topics that are useful to our audience who are business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, managers and professionals.
- The article should not be an advertorial post or article that is only written to promote the business or brand of the contributor. The company, website, and other info of the contributor will be specified in the author bio at the bottom of the post. We do not encourage guest blogging for links or SEO purposes.
- The article should be unique and must not be published elsewhere at all time. In other words, the article should only be exclusively published on this blog to avoid duplicate content.
B. Requirements for the contributor
- The contributor should be an expert on the topic he/she is contributing.
- The information on the contributor’s bio should be factual.
- The company and website in the contributor’s bio should be owned or managed by the contributor.
- The company, business or professional service of the contributor should be a duly registered business in the Philippines or in the country it is located.
- The contributor can also opt to add his social media (e.g., Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter) profiles in his/her short bio. Company address and contact information would also be allowed if appropriate. The contributor’s short bio that will be shown at the bottom of his/her post should not exceed 60 words.
Steps for applying as a contributor
So are you ready to become a contributor? Here are the 3 steps to begin:
1. Check if you meet all the requirements above.
2. Send your article, author bio, author picture, and some background to support credibility of information on your author bio to content@businesstips.ph with a subject “Article contribution”.
3. Wait for our reply. Once we’re done with the review of your article and other information, we will email you whether your article is approved or not. If not approved, we will give you the reasons for the disapproval. Please take note that due to several contributors that may be sending email to us, it may take 2-4 weeks before we can send you a reply.
Final reminders
By submitting your content to us, you understand and agree that:
1. Your article, once approved, will only be published exclusively for BusinessTips.Ph.
2. We will have the right to edit and enhance your article or remove unnecessary and irrelevant words, phrases or links in your content to make it more relevant and useful to our audience before publishing.
3. We will not compensate contributors with money for their work. Contributors get value as listed in the paragraph “What you can get from becoming a contributor” above.
4. We reserve the right to modify any term and condition stated above as may be deemed necessary for new applicants.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
I hope to contribute in this blog one day. I have been a constant reader and I learned a lot of things here. I wanna share my learnings also to everyone.
Hi Sir Vic,
Good day, I’ve red some of your comments on this blog, and I learned a lot from you, I have a query, I represent a company of Heavy Equipment Manufacturer, I usually sell my units to Dealers at a CIF Mnl sometimes DDP Incoterms. My question is this when I sell the unit to them (DDP) I have to pay the tax (12%), If the Dealer is a sole proprietor, what will the the correct tax they have to impose to their clients, if they are going to sell same unit?
I know your’re a very busy person, but I hope you can answer my question.
God Bless always….
I’m Ethan Roy, a writer by passion. I’ve years of experience in writing for eCommerce platform and related fields. With a keen interest in different aspect of eCommerce, I like exploring the various write-ups that deal into this field.
I’m regular reader of your blogs. I thought it would be nice if I too had an opportunity to present your blog’s readers with something of real value.
I understand the need for unique and well-researched content. And I assure a flawless and smooth proceeding from my side. Please do let me know if it’s feasible for you. Waiting forward to your positive reply.
Thanks & Regards
Ethan Roy