This article will teach you not only on how to become a good manager, but also how to be a better and greater manager in 7 ways. It discusses the things that most managers, employers, supervisors and common leaders don’t usually realize. It’s time to bring your managerial, supervisory and leadership skills to the higher and deeper levels. Enjoy reading, learning, knowing, understanding, practicing and sharing the following tips to becoming an outstanding and extraordinary manager.
1. Control and manage yourself
Firstly, know and understand yourself as a manager and a leader. Here, reflection and self-assessment are very important. A great manager can motivate and influence his subordinates to achieve a common goal. In order to be a motivating manager, you should first learn how to motivate yourself. You cannot conquer the minds and hearts of other people if you cannot conquer your own. Hence, knowing thyself and having self-control are the first steps in becoming a good manger. An ancient and all-time effective way to have self-control is to become a spiritual person. A spiritual person is one who’s selfless, humble, contented, grateful, patient, and one who can overcome the greedy, envious and selfish needs of his flesh.
2. Be sharp yet gentle
The words of a better manager have wisdom. They are meaningful and relevant. They are also filled with answers and solutions, rather than blames and chaos. A great manager also strongly implements these words which become the rules and policies of the organization. He rules by example. But though he’s a great ruler and commander, he does it gently. Remember that a sharp sword cannot rule a kingdom without a good sheath. If you want to become a great manager, always see to it that every word that comes out from your mouth is sensible. Be prudent; stop talking gibberish and false words, and learn how to use your lips to shut your mouth when necessary.
3. Be strong and still
To manage people, you need to be capable, knowledgeable and consistent. To be capable, you need to have a strong-based knowledge, and you should attain it through experience and realization, resulting from your hard work and dedication. You must be brave enough to admit your mistakes and learn from them. This is the start of realization. A manager or a leader is also not a coward. He is always ready to face everyone and everything, especially when it comes to reconciliation and preserving justice and righteousness inside the organization. Here, honesty is still the best policy.
4. Connect and blend
As their manager, you can speak with them, call them and have a nice meeting with them. In other words, you can connect with them. However, connecting may not be enough to manage and administer people. You must not only connect with them, but also blend with them. This can be done by passionately listening to your workers, and not consuming more of the time telling them what to do. Moreover, you should also show them that you have acted what you have listened. This is so that the words they’ve spoken will not be put in vain. Always bear in mind that connecting is communicating, but blending is knowing and understanding. You can try spending time with your employees during out-of-office periods, such as dinner, coffee breaks, outing and the like. Spend time encouraging them to talk, rather than making them merely your listeners and audience. Implant something exciting in them – that is… a moment to express, to be heard, or a time to shine.
5. Have a mission, vision and action
Have a destination, direction and action. The manager serves as the captain of the ship. Without a clear and written mission and vision, your subordinates will be confused and may hesitate to do their tasks and functions. Thus, keep them oriented of what your management is trying to reach, what are the goals the organization wants to achieved, and what are the steps, processes and procedures that are needed to accomplish those goals. Furthermore, do your best not only to attain success, but also to share those successes within and outside your organization.
6. Don’t be proud; be humble
Managers possess the authority and power to govern. Thus, they are prone to pride and power abuse, which are both negative qualities that destroy workers’ morale. So please stop being bossy and shouting that you are the boss! Your subordinates are not infants – they know that you are the boss, even without telling it to them. To raise and preserve the morale of your subordinates, you should learn how to uplift their minds, emotions and spirits. You can raise them up by keeping yourself humble. Remember that humility is one important thing that you must serve to your people. Be a great leader and a follower. Lead behind them to assure that no one is left behind. Follow in front of them to ensure that you can determine and understand their true concerns.
7. Have financial freedom
Love-of-money (not solely money) is considered the root of all evils. These evils include greed, envy and pride that make a manager foolish and wicked. Because of the “love of money”, a manager prioritizes financial profit, instead of prioritizing the welfare of his subordinates. Because of the love of money and eager to get rich quickly, a manager put the integrity of the organization in danger. To be a good manager, one should be financially free; he should not be a slave of money.
Final thoughts and a secret
Becoming a good manager should begin within you. Motivation should start within you. There must be a power that can empower others – that power should also start inside you. We cannot manage, motivate and empower others, without doing these things to ourselves first. It’s true that personal and spiritual management is the key to becoming a great manager. But this feat is difficult to achieve and only few people succeed it. Is there a secret way to achieve it? The secret is finding something, someone that is not usually seen – your inner self. It’s deep. That is why you need to dig deeper within yourself.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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