How to bless your business and achieve prosperity? We build our businesses for profitability, which can be in the form of money, honor, happiness and self-fulfillment. Thus, we want our business and company to avoid any bad luck and ensure that they reach their ultimate success. But how can we really put a good luck to our business? There are many traditions, ceremonies and beliefs in this world that address such question. But I personally and spiritually believe on the faith and act that can be justified. In this article, we will tackle how to truly bless your business and yourself as an entrepreneur.
Who shall be blessed?
When it comes to blessings, whether it’s a blessing of house, office or a person, we ask it from our Almighty God. But do you know who shall receive his blessings and who shall not? To know the answer, let’s read the words from the Holy Bible. In the book of Proverbs 3:33, it is said that…
“The LORD’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.” – Proverbs 3:33 (NIV)
God blesses the righteous businessman and not the wicked
Life and business can be a matter of cause and effect, and a matter of process and result. In other words, if you have a good cause, you’ll have a good effect. If you have bad processes, you’ll get bad results. If a person wants to have a successful and blessed business, he should be wise and should practice righteousness.
God’s blessing is not achieved by sprinkling water on the business premises, especially if the owner is wicked. It is not attained by preparing lavish food on the tables, especially if the business owner doesn’t even care for the poor. God’s blessings are not even received by praying, especially if the businessman is not listening and obeying to what the Lord is saying.
“We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly man who does his will.” – John 9:31 (NIV)
Righteousness is the key to God’s blessings
It’s not the ceremony or celebration that attracts good luck and blessings from above. What attract them are your consistent good actions and practices in life. You must constantly please God. You must not commit sins, and you must be guiltless. That’s how a righteous person walks on the face of the Earth. Alas, most people think that they can bless their business by simply giving money to someone who will pray for their success. Some even think that inviting people for a food fest will bring good luck and prosperity to their business. Food and wine extravagance even result to gluttony and drunkenness. Will that please God? Some even invite rich people (instead of feeding the destitute) for personal interest. Isn’t it an act of wickedness? Remember that God curse the wicked.
The wicked and the righteous
What will happen if a businessman becomes greedy? What will happen if he will deceive people – his customers? What are the consequences if he will become unjust to his workers and employees? What will happen if he will evade taxes? Greed will give rise to more business enemies; there will be no peace and harmony in doing business. Deceit will ruin the trust and confidence of your customers; your sales will surely drop. Iniquity will make your employees’ morale low; your company’s productivity will weaken. Then tax evasion causes criminal and monetary charges. These are the curses and the bad fruits of a businessman’s wicked actions.
Now what are the things that will be enjoyed by a righteous businessman? Quality builds up customers’ trust and increases long-term sales. Justice motivates workers and boosts up productivity. Honesty and integrity assure business security and avoid future charges. Actually we’ve always know these things; we know the different consequences of being good and being bad. But because of the lack of patience and faith, we fail to follow what is right – we fail to become righteous.
Final thoughts
To bless our business, we should make ourselves worthy of blessings. This is because a blessing is a consequence. In business and financial sense, it is a result of a business operation. If your company’s performance is good, then the results in your statement of operation or performance will also become good. We should also take note that business is not all about money. Business is about making people happy (e.g., customers and workers) and making yourself truly happy (becoming guiltless and fulfilled). Thus, we should not only perform primarily to increase our money, but we should more importantly perform to provide solutions and make people’s lives better. Finally, if we want to receive God’s blessings, we should serve God… not the money… not the earthly things that perish.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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