If you took away one in one billion, it won’t become one billion anymore. My point is that a single person can make a difference in our world. Thus, if you want to change the world, don’t just take it like an impossible dream, but consider it as an achievable goal. The world needs transformation; people need to be improved. You see it; you feel it. I know that you have the desire in your heart to do something that can make our world a better place to live. You want a community where people are living in harmony and in prosperity. We all actually want to have a life lived in a better manner. We all wish for a change. We all want to rock the world in our own way. But to guide your way to changing lives on our planet, here’s how to change the world in 10 great steps.
1. Be that change
First, you must be the change you want to see in the world, as quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. If you want a world filled with truth and justice, then you should first become a man of truth and justice. If you want a peaceful world, then you should first become a defender of peace. And if you want to overcome global poverty, then you should first achieve your own financial freedom.
2. Be an epidemic
Epidemic is contagious and it can easily spread to affect the lives of many people, as well as the world. To create an outbreak, you need a source of that outbreak, timing and momentum. The source is none other than YOU who possessed the change you want to happen in the world. Timing is achieved through planning and sticking to that plan. Momentum is the product of your mass and speed. If you can combine those things, you can be an epidemic.
3. Build a strong army
The more army or followers you have, the more you can change the world. To create an army, encourage volunteerism. Be inspiring and charismatic. Make people understand the long-term rewards that they can get beyond money, such as freedom, love and peace. Have a mission that is worth dying for. Be in front of them when facing that mission.
4. Conquer
You can never change the world if you won’t conquer anything. The people who have changed the world are all champions and conquerors. Hence, conquer yourself and your wickedness. Then conquer the hearts and minds of your people through love and courage. After that, lead them to a battle you and your army would win. Be persistent to win your war, whether it’s war against poverty or any other war you want to win.
5. Be a humble servant
Greatness is achieved through humility and serving people. Change the world by showing greatness. Change people by making them your priority before yourself. Learn how to achieve selflessness by making yourself spiritual and eternal.
6. Create leaders
In the army you have built, create leaders. Share your powers. Multiply your capabilities by teaching others. Spread your army by creating more leaders, who are capable and trustworthy. Don’t be afraid if they will become better than you are. What matter is… they will help you change the world the way you want it. Be a servant leader who serves to make other leaders.
7. Be a hero
If you want to change the world, you should be ready to carry the world. It requires heroism. It requires a person who will become a legend. And that legendary person only comes out rarely. In other words, be extraordinary. Always think of the hardest problems; always formulate the rare solutions. Always be the first to stand and face the most difficult situation. If poverty is impossible to fight, be a fighter that can do the impossible.
8. Bring the Heaven to Earth
Shake the world by bringing Heaven to Earth. Speak the divine language. Speak truth and revelations. However, you should be prepared to encounter critics and even threats from the people you will contradict and expose. Get ready for the battle of words. You should ensure that your words and wisdom are sharper and more powerful than your adversaries. Speak only the pure truth and nothing but the truth. Be prudent because everything you will say will be used against you.
9. Bring the future to present
Change the world the way Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and other inventors and innovators did. They brought the future to our present. But you don’t need to be a scientist, inventor or a programmer to bring tomorrow today. There are many other futuristic things that people want today, such as peace and the harmony they always hope in the future. You can also change the world by bringing the past to the present, such as by bringing today the clean and green environment we have in the old days.
10. Create a new world
Finally, complete your task of changing the world. Make it a success and don’t quit. Realize the steps above. Never abandoned your mission until you and your people create a whole new world. A new world should have a new spin. In other words, the change you want to have the world should now be constant. If corruption is normal in the old world, it should now become unusual in the new world.
I hope this article has inspired you. You should be starting at the first step now. Thank you for reading and please share this post to help us in changing our world in a good way.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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