Facebook is considered as one of the greatest online social sites to show yourself or even promote your business on the Internet. The fan page of Facebook is also an excellent method to increase your social media exposure. It permits you to link with the online community anytime and anywhere. If you are an online entrepreneur, internet marketer, or just want to meet as many people as you can online, the following are some tips on how to increase your online friends on Facebook.
Patience, prudence and planning
First, you have to add your closest friends. You can also invite your friends and relatives who don’t have an account yet on Facebook. Like what you know, Facebook could be quiet strict at times, and you do not like to be banned. Increasing your friends has been an important marketing tactic as they could become a potential traffic for your website or online business. That’s why it’s good not to add lots of people at just one time. Our advice is to be patient and grow your friends count gradually rather than hastily. Remember that real friends are not easy and quick to find. You do not want to haste adding 200 friends immediately. You could be banned in Facebook more or less 60 days or your account could even be suspended or terminated. It is also essential that you plan and target the friends you will add in your personal profile. For example, if you want to promote a niche about health and wellness, then target the people who are health conscious. This is because they are the ones who will find your shared contents and information useful.
Connecting to your other social networking site accounts
Second, connect the Facebook fan page to your social media site accounts. For instance, if you have lots of followers in Twitter then you could lead them easily to your Facebook supporter page by just tweeting it or just by adding it as the main URL in account settings part. Another great method is to connect with the influence of YouTube. Like you might already know, some YouTube celebrities such as Kevin Jumba as well as Ryan Higa just became what they have been today as they produced high-quality videos. If you have been able to accomplish the same (it’s worth investing one or two hundred dollars for good video cam) and draw out a good reply from the YouTube audience then lots of the views would convert to your increasing fan page number.
Creating a community
Thirdly, create a community with your Facebook supporter site. You could get a discussion board, contest, or even anything that involves the actual user. Beginning a contest has been a great marketing way if you could reward the winner by a decent reward. There is a great reason why there have been lots of fan pages along with thousands of members. For instance, the Liverpool fan page gave a signed t-shirt contest for some certain designing competition. Some businesses want to use friend referral form to gain much more fans. For instance, those who referred most friends will get a certain award for every month.
There are tons of benefits of having thousands of Facebook friends but keep in mind that you know them personally before adding them up. Finally, always remember that after they have confirmed you as their friend, you should act as their responsible and helpful friend. Hence, always express “what’s on your mind” the things that can be helpful and useful to them, be it’s a photo, video, article or just a brief personal expression.
Writing for almost a decade, Kristel Cuenta is one of the contributors of BusinessTips.Ph. She took up Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Literature in college. She has practiced teaching English subject in a secondary school until she decided to use her writing skills and passion for generating an income. Follow Kristel on Twitter @kristelcuenta
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