If you want stability for your business, you should not just think of making instant money and profit in the short-term, but you need to be concerned with long-term considerations, such as the constant satisfaction of your customers, the personal and professional development of your employees, the upholding of your integrity, and the fulfillment you should realize for yourself. A stable business is not achieved overnight or even in a few years. To stabilize an enterprise, an entrepreneur must invest hard work, patience, sacrifice and consistency. Hard work solidifies a business, patience hones it, sacrifice strengthens it, and consistency ensures that you won’t quit until reaching its ultimate success.
All businesses start in instability
Every business or company is born like a baby – fragile and new. Business starters are promising, but they are still vulnerable to troubles and failures. They can be profitable, but their profits aren’t assured to last long. To stabilize a business, it should grow like a tree – big and strong. But like a tree, it should grow gradually and be nurtured everyday.
Furthermore, stabilizing a business is not a process that is only done during the infancy or during the growth of your business. Making a business stable is a practice that we should start from the time we conceive it until the time we pass it as a legacy to our successors. And for the business itself, stabilization can even be a perpetual process.
How to stabilize your business in advance
To ensure that your business will last long and will stand the tests of times, you should think of a stable business in the first place – have a stable business plan. That business plan should be composed of short-term, mid-term and long-term goals and objectives that are aligned to each other. They should also contain specific steps and procedures that must be executed to accomplish those goals. Remember that you don’t need to start a big business to ensure stability, but you just need to start with a big business plan that you will carry out until you reach stability and success.
If you can justify that your business right now is already enjoying strength and firmness, that is, it’s earning profit progressively, it constantly making loyal customers and it’s assuring the bright future of its people, then you have the reasons to be a happy business person. But if not, then you must start reevaluating your business plans and strategies right now, and ensure that your business growth is going to be big, strong and lasting. But also take note that stability doesn’t matter the size of your business. Even a multi-billion dollar company can suffer bankruptcy in an instant. Therefore, aside from making it big, also make sure that you are also making it high and deep. Don’t forget to care and help.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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