It’s good that the Philippines is developing and rising. Have you heard the news about the strengthening of the Peso and the growth of the Philippine stock market? Can you feel them? Whether you feel them or not, there’s a fact that we are still left behind by other countries and even some of our neighboring countries that are already enjoying advanced economies and high human development index. We cannot deny that millions of families in the Philippines are still poor and millions of Filipinos are still suffering from unemployment.
National poverty seems to be a never-ending problem in our country, and one of the major causes and perhaps the main cause of this problem is corruption. Yes, corruption is happening all over the world, but the corruption in the Philippines is on a high level. With that level, we don’t need just actions, but we really need real and fast actions. So without further ado, in my own opinion, here are 12 ways to stop corruption in the Philippines.
1. Stop corruption of public information. Corruption in the government would be minimized if there will be transparency and fairness in our public reports and records. The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) must be enacted and be implemented now. Also, the Commission on Audit (COA) should do their job to ensure that the financial records and reports of all government agencies are fairly stated.
2. Stop corruption of health and nutrition. If people have a healthy mind, body, and tummy, they would have better ways of thinking and living. But with an empty stomach and having a sick family member who cannot afford a doctor, a person could resort to committing a crime. Therefore, our government should focus on laws and programs that address our basic health and food requirement, especially the need of the poor people.
3. Stop corruption of education. The lack of knowledge can narrow people’s decisions. Hence, our government should intensify education in our country for all levels. We also have to provide technical, entrepreneurial, and financial literacy. If we know more, we can think more, and we can do better.
4. Stop corruption of our laborers. There should be an adequate wage hike for all workers, whether they are in the public or in the private sector. If workers have enough salary, fraud and corruption can be minimized, especially in the government offices.
5. Stop corruption of peace. More policemen and soldiers should be recruited to keep peace and harmony in all the corners of our nation. The government should also strengthen its campaign for peace in Mindanao. Furthermore, we have to make a firm stand and protect our country from international threats.
6. Stop corruption of morality. We have to protect the young ones from corrupting their minds. There should be strict regulations on media. The MTRCB should do their best to keep away our children from inappropriate materials on TVs or on the Internet.
7. Stop corruption of our natural resources. The DENR, Department of Tourism, local government units, private companies, and all of us should help each other in protecting our environment. Our government should implement more laws and programs to strictly protect our natural resources.
8. Stop corruption of our national heritage. We should honor and not forget what our ancestors did to us. We should always remember the patriotism and sacrifices made by our heroes in the past just to let us enjoy our freedom now. We should follow their loyalty and nationalism, and condemn treachery.
9. Stop corruption in the churches. Religious organizations are supposed to practice charity. They are supposed to teach people how to live a holy and uncorrupted life. But are they really doing that? Hence, we have to require all religious organizations in the country to be registered and regulated. They should all be monitored if they are really practicing charity and holiness.
10. Stop corruption at home. Parents play a vital role in forming the personalities of their children when they grow up. Thus, the government, through DSWD, should ensure that there will be no children who will be abused at home. The government should also implement intensive programs that will teach couples to be more responsible parents.
11. Stop corruption of law and justice. Everyone should respect the law, whether it’s about plunder, theft, murder, or simply jaywalking. There are many corrupt people in our country because there are many Filipinos who don’t honor our law. Whether the law offender is a top government official or an ordinary citizen, there should be no exemption – if someone is guilty, then he or she must go to jail if that’s the punishment.
12. Stop corruption of your vote. Finally, if we want to stop corrupt political leaders in our country, we must stop from making corrupted votes. A single corrupted vote can give birth to a corrupt leader. Therefore, we have to protect our vote from any corruption. We have to protect it from ignorance and the lust for money.
If we want to stop corruption in the Philippines, we should stop all corruptions that are happening inside the Philippines. We should fight all the corrupt Filipinos, whether they are politicians or they are just simply ourselves. Our country needs your love, whether you’re the president of the Philippines or simply an ordinary civilian trying to make a simple living. And to have that love, you need to have a heart – a heart that is free from the corruption of hatred, greed, selfishness, fear, laziness, and hopelessness.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
I believed that there are still many things to be consider in order to stop the corruption. kainis talaga eh, sabi naman ng teacher it cannot be stop daw but can be minimize. Well , looking forward to that. wish that politician will do good things in return.
Your teacher should learn that everything that has a beginning has an end. If corruption has started, then it must also end. We should not lose hope. 🙂
Nice input Vic. Our country is such a beautiful place. So rich in natural resources. Blessed with resilient, hard working, and capable citizens. The Filipino is one of the best in the world in anything that can be done. I believe the only thing stopping our nation is CORRUPTION. It is being perpetrated by the not-so-best in our country who always wanted to seize control and power to exploit our nation and enrich themselves. I have four simple ways to solve corruption, wonder if you can share it in your great business tips blog. See URL below:
oh well that’s right stop corruption in the Philippines. don’t lose hope and always pray to god 🙂
Quite comprehensive solution on the issue of corruption in the Philippines. I agree that the effort should start from the home. Parents are directly responsible for the upbringing of their children. Another venue where it should be discussed and inculcated in the mind and heart of young people is the school. The church also plays a vital role as well as the politicians yes, but as regards the latter, it is a hopeless case. There is no possibility to eradicate corruption in the Philippines or any country for that matter. But if only it can be minimized, then the country can advance faster definitely.
Thanks for the information.
corruption is one of the main problem of the philippines. we should do an action for it!
there is no possibility to eradicate the graft and corruption in the philippines for as long as there are many accountants , businessmen , tax examiners, that manipulate the tax payments.