Have you been blogging for several months now or even more than a year but still unfortunate in making money on your blog? Perhaps, you have tried placing PPC advertisements like Adsense, but still only earning cents and can’t even reach the threshold for earning payout. Maybe you also have just started your blog a few months ago and you’re still figuring it out how to earn income through your blog. Whatever your situation is, whether you’ve been blogging for years now or you will just start launching your blog in the coming days, you have to learn how to surely make money online on your blog.
There is an old saying that to achieve your goals, you have to make your move slowly but surely. But I somehow tend to disagree. For me, we have to move at the right speed to achieve certainty. In other words, we need to make money online, neither too slow nor too quick. Remember that timing is an important element of success.
Making money online
Let’s admit it… we need money. We need to pay our domain name’s annual registration, monthly web hosting, and even compensate the precious time we spent on creating our blog posts and promoting them everywhere. There’s nothing wrong with making money as long as we are doing it the good way. Money isn’t the root of all evil, but it is the “love of money” that is the cause of all evil. So let’s start making money the right and surely way. Here are some important tips and guide to ensure that you will make profit on your blog.
Get a lot of traffic
Traffic converts to profit. Without visitors to your blog, it won’t generate income. How many traffic do you need to start making money online? The answer depends on the quantity and quality of your traffic. Are they targeted to your niche? Are they organic, meaning are they coming from search engines? There are many factors which define your traffic as profitable or not. But to ensure that you will make money online, you have to consider both quality and quantity.
How to drive massive traffic?
The more audience you have, the more revenue potential you will have. For example if you wish to earn money from Google’s Adsense, a hundred visitors a day might not be enough for you to cash out and receive a penny from Google every month. You might need to earn more than a thousand unique visitors daily to finally enjoy cashing out bucks from Google in a monthly basis. But how can you achieve a thousand or more visitors every day?
This blog is already receiving more than 3,000 unique visitors daily as of today. And yes, it’s earning passive income from different sources. Now, how do I drive such number of people to this blog every day? The answer lies in my blog posts. I currently have 475 blog posts on this blog, including this one. Some of these posts are attracting a significant percentage of my entire traffic every day. They are the posts that went viral, went on top of the search engine result pages, or bookmarked by many people.
The level of traffic I have now is brought by both the quality and quantity of my blog posts. This means that I had lesser traffic when I had fewer numbers of posts and I will have higher traffic if I will publish more posts. Just imagine if I will reach 1,000 blog posts in the future, how many visitors would I earn for that?
Now, if you only have 100 blog posts in your blog right now, then it’s time to increase them to 400, to 1,000, or even more. If you already have 500 blog posts but still receiving fewer visitors than I do, then it’s time to increase the quality of you blog posts. As I said, you have to have both quality and quantity on your blog posts.
The certainty in making money online
If we will ask ourselves, can a blogger surely make money online on his blog? Of course yes! I ask you… can you surely publish 500 quality blog posts in your blog? Yes you can! You just need time and dedication. Make the 500 quality blog posts as you core mission. Focus on it. If you will write at least one blog post a day, then you can achieve it in 500 days or 1 year and almost 5 months. If you can’t write at least one blog post a day, then you can extend your time to 2 years. You may also hire quality writers to help you achieve your goal faster.
Remember that 500 quality blog posts is already a higher goal. You can actually start making money online even if you only reach half of it. Thus, you can actually make money online in less than a year, or even in less than six months if you know how to promote your posts, stories, articles, and links on social media (social media marketing) and in search engines (search engine optimization).
Making money online fast
Well, there’s of course some ways to make money only quickly. For example, you can develop a blog for a month then sell it for profit. There are also other bloggers who use techniques, like spamming and cheating to earn quick cash. However, these will not give you passive income. They won’t give you lasting profit. With those tactics, you will also risk your online reputation. And when you are penalized, your goal to make money online might only be replaced with losing money and integrity online. I hope you get it.
Making money online on your blog can be a simple math equation. Do you want to increase your profit? Increase your traffic. Do you want to boost your traffic? Increase the quality and quantity of your blog posts. Do you want to increase the quality and quantity of your blog posts? Then power up yourself – increase your time, energy, hard work, patience, and dedication. Don’t forget to be consistent and persistent too.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
More effort = more traffic = more profit.
Just like a simple mathematical equation. 🙂
I’ve been using AdSense and NuffNang, and even Yengo on my website. But have generated only so little. Other than that, the blog that I am most active on only has about 90+ posts. I guess it will take me some time to write more posts, and to attract more visitors — and then more paid clicks. 🙂
Yes. We just need to have a simple goal, that is increase and increase what we provide to our readers. 🙂
Sir Vic yes it’s true there’s sure money in blogging, Before I didn’t believe that people get paid blogging until I myself received some payment for the ads flashed in my blog. But the payment is too miniscule to withdraw yet. After a while I stopped promoting my posts but still continued posting. Readers still visited my blog and I still got hits everyday but not as much hits when I was promoting it in other sites. I found out that readers would still read old quality post and interesting subjects over and over again. My blog is only about 7-month old and only about over a hundred and fifty posts. Despite this very scant number of posts I still received some payments. I could just imagine If I have more quality posts and a hundred more posts. You are right, the secret to earning money on blogging is simply : good quality posts, a good number of posts and promoting your posts to other sites.
Hi sir Rolly. Thanks for sharing your story. It will add up more useful info to our discussion. In due time, we really can succeed.
Thanks for sharing these tips! Simple and direct to the point. 🙂
Definitely true. You have to post more and quality content. By doing that you can get increasing number of visitors that will click your ads or buy from your site. You need also to learn how to choose the right keywords and SEO.
That’s right, let’s cover it all, social media, search engine, searchers, etc.,
thanks for this beautiful article I have learn a lot from you
Traffic is really one of the important factors. The more readers you have, the better. Your blog rates depend on it most of the time.
I know a lot of bloggers who are earning big, I am not.. hehe. And it is not easy to promote your blog actually, what I’m trying my best at the moment is creating quality content.
okay now my next target is to add 308 posts in my hoshi jr. and 138 for my hoshi. hehehe!
sir what area the reason why PR goes down?
thanks and mabuhay!
There are many factors that cause PR downsize. They include the following:
1. You’re not already updating your blog (Google wants fresh content regularly).
2. You’re not consistent on your keyword or category. Some bloggers post because the topic is hot/trending even if it’s not related to their blog’s category.
3. Decline in quality of posts
4. Decline in readers interaction
5. Decrease in back links (happens if your backlinks are not deep, permanent or in high quality)
6. and many more.
A blogger’s success depends on his hard work, punctuality etc. Traffic is the key factor of a successful site. Without tons of traffic you can’t earn good amount from blogging. Thanks for sharing valuable points on blogging
Wow, great tips sir! Congrats on making it to almost 500 posts! 🙂 That’s a feat.
I am driven to create quality posts all the time 🙂 I rather not post if I think the content is not of good quality.
That’s excellent. You have quality control on your blog.
Great tips Vic. I think this is my problem now to drive more traffic to my blog. I think the best thing is to focus on 1 niche which i did not do in my blog.
Nowadays it is very hard to make money online from blog. There are lot’s of blogger over the world and most of them are simply copying each others posts and wanted to make money. That’s not that easy. Because google frequently made changes on algorithm like panda/penguin. I think to earn money from blog depends on the real quality content and good SEO value of your blog.
Glad to have visited this post. Thank you for these tips. =)
No reason! It seems that they have no configured or any plan for the make money online project. I am a new fan of online marketing and appreciate affiliate marketing with proper plan. Thanks a lot! 🙂
Very informative. I am researching on ways to earn money online and I’ve just started a blog because for that purpose. I have a learned a lot from this.
Traffic is really very important to earn money from your blog. Can you share other ways aside from content to drive more traffic?
Wow, this post gives me so much motivation to double my effort in blogging.
Good Morning and How are you sir Victorino?
Sir, ask ko lang po. Ang income po ba sa blogging ay pwedeng maging stable source of income? Or parang sideline lang sya?
ano po ba ang ma advise nyo po sa tulad kong maliit na blogger na mag start ng isang classified ads na merong blogs ? eto po ba ay may pagasang gawin akong stable financially sa akin buhay? o suntok lamang po ito sa buwan.
Maraming Salamat po Sir Victorino.
Hi. Yes it can be a source of stable passive income. But of course, in order to build a blog that earns passive income, you have to sacrifice a lot to achieve focus at the time you are building it. Usually you have to focus for 6 months to 2 years to build a blog that can give you stable income – a quality blog that drives traffic from search engines through quality SEO and a blog that earns loyal followers because of your interesting and useful blog posts. After you have built such kind of blog, you can already relax a bit, but still you have to maintain it somehow. So… focus is a key.
Hi. Google pays through checks or through Western Union. I prefer WU because it’s fast – you could withdraw your earnings upon issuance.
I love the way you have presented your conclusion, the main goal is profit… but how can we achieve that? It’s through increasing traffic by providing quality contents to readers… To dedicate on providing helpful contents needs time, dedication and more effort 🙂
Am inspired:)
Hi sir Vic,
First of all thanks a lot for the domain that I won on your last contest here. I’m an avid fan of yours and I want to be successful blogger someday too. I’m just bothered by what other people are saying that blogs on blogger.com will not rank up on search engine because of its no-follow features default unless it’s paid. Is this true? My website is hosted at blogger and I want to continue blogging. 😀
Thanks again!
Hi. Thanks for the kind words. With your question, I cannot give a definite answer because I have not conducted an experiment yet to compare WordPress and Blogger in terms of SEO and other factors. I’m just comfortable with self-hosted WordPress because of the full control. However, I know some popular blogs using blogger, like Dumblittleman.com and Calculatedriskblog.com. They say Blog.Twitter.com is also powered by Blogger.
I have a few questions:
Should I start creating blogs on free blogging platforms like wordpress and blogger first, then rent a web host if I earned enough cash?
Can I earn traffic in free blogging sites?
Will it affect my seo if my blogging site is myblog.blogger.com?
Wow. It’s good that you have set a target. For me starting out is the hardest part as I still have a lot to learn and at the meantime, trying me best to work on increasing the number of blog posts. I was advised by a close friend to forget about “making money” plan and put it on hold until the visitor count is at least 500 unique visitors. Not sure why but according to her, it has something to do with search engine ranking. Is that true?
Anyway, just want to say congrats on your achievements. Getting such high number of unique visitors is really awesome! My new aim now is 500 quality blog posts just like what you have said 🙂