It can be hard to make ends meet with your regular 9-5 job, so many people look for side hustles to top up their income with, or they decide to harness their entrepreneurial spirit and start something entirely new that they will be able to take more of a direct profit from. One of the best ideas for an entrepreneurial project as it requires little start-up capital but can reap big rewards is buying a van, and here’s why…
Be A Man (Or A Woman) With A Van
Vans are extremely useful and versatile and are therefore highly sought after by many people for many different reasons. You could hire out your van to people, or you could drive it yourself to help people with various tasks, for example, to move their belongings from one home to another which would be less expensive than hiring a professional removals company for them, and profitable for you. Many people only have a few things to move and therefore look for a smaller company to help them. You could also take people’s belongings to rubbish tips for them if they are having a clear out, or if they’re attempting to declutter their home.
Another service you could offer is the general transport of goods for businesses or individuals. If someone is attending a tradeshow for example, they will need to be able to transport all kinds of kit and products but won’t want to buy a vehicle especially for it, which is where you come in. Lots of companies are looking to cut down on their delivery costs and are therefore outsourcing to individuals with their own vehicles.
Car Boot Sales
Vans are the ideal vehicle when it comes to car boot sales. Car boot sales are a brilliant opportunity to sell any unwanted belongings to a network of regular customers, without any overheads meaning you make a good profit. Having a van would allow you to have a large inventory of stock and you could even offer this service to others; selling their belongings for them for a cut of the profits. Using a van to attend regular car boot sales could fast become a very lucrative business depending on the kinds of products you’re able to find to sell.
Van Insurance
If any of these ideas appeal to you, take a look at some of the vans on offer, buying second hand if possible as you can make a great saving by doing so. Your van doesn’t need to be flashy, but it needs to be reliable and long lasting. Once you’ve found the perfect van, insurance is an absolute must or you could end up losing any profit you make by having to pay in full for any unexpected repairs, as well as getting in trouble with the authorities. There are certain rules when it comes to insurance and using your van for business purposes, so make sure you do your research and get the right insurance plan for you, you can compare van insurance quotes here.
Investing in a van can be one of the best ways to make money quickly, as there are many potential uses for a vehicle of this nature, from a courier service or removals company, to the perfect setting for a car boot sale. Exercising your entrepreneurial spirit can be a very lucrative venture and for tips on how to navigate the world of business once you are part of it, take a look at businesstips.ph and its helpful articles, such as ’Tips for Building and Maintaining Client Relationships’.
BusinessTips.ph is an online Business Ezine that provides free and useful articles, guide, news, tips, stories and inspirations on business, finance, entrepreneurship, management and leadership, online and offline marketing, law and taxation, and personal and professional development to Filipinos and all the business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, marketers, leaders, teachers and business students around the world.
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