Okay, business is busyness. But it doesn’t always mean quickness. There are good, actually, great benefits we can get in doing our business nice and slow. This is what my business tip for today is all about.
Every business owner have to learn how to be slow. Yes, slow, not fast and not timely.
There are instances that we need to be slow and timeless just like an artist working on his masterpiece or a scientist locked in the lab working on his experiments.
In our everyday lives, we actually need to be slow to live healthy. Think about when we eat – we have to eat slowly to have a healthy tummy. We have to drink slowly and stylishly to avoid getting drunk. We have to do exercise slowly to gradually develop our muscles or lose weight slowly to have the right body.
Doing things nice and slow is doing them with class and elegance. Why? It’s because you do it with quality, style and enjoyment.
In business, we have to do things with quality, style and enjoyment. We have to create our products just like our masterpiece.
Business owners should not be hasty and must not compromise quality. Remember that success attained hurriedly is success gone away instantly.
We do business for profit. However, it doesn’t mean we should do business for instant profit. Successful business owners earn long lasting profit rather than instant profit, and they achieve that consistent profit slowly, gradually and surely.
Business owners, employers and managers have to learn how to be nice and slow in leading their employees. Thus, you have to be careful. You have to be gentle. You have to think twice before you say anything to your workers because anything you say could hurt their feelings, happiness and productivity. Remember that a successful manager or leader is one who manages and leads his people in a careful, gentle, tough yet smooth way.
When it comes to marketing. Business owners and marketers need to learn how to invest time in creating products and providing services that will satisfy and wow their customers. And when it comes to business promotion and advertising, they have to learn the nice and slow way, which involves building long and lasting relationship with customers.
Remember that as we all know it, business success is not done overnight. The success that will last longer is the kind of success that is achieved gradually. Although we have to be fast sometimes, we also have to be slow in certain times. Besides, we have to enjoy every bit of our business. Thus, we have to taste it, feel it, and realize every chunk of our business. We can only do that if we will do it nice and slow.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
cris mago says
do you have tips if i am ready to quit my job and start my own business?
Victorino Abrugar says
Hi. I’ll take note of that, and will consider writing and coming up with a post on this matter. Thank you.