A short and simple phrase can bring a business and its products to success. That is why most companies, entrepreneurs, marketers and business owners are brainstorming to come up with the best combination of words that will form their company taglines or slogans. If you’re branding your product or business, you should create the best logo for it. But though a picture of a logo may worth a thousand words, a great slogan is still essential to effectively portray the power and beauty of your product or business. The influence of taglines can be so viral and can stay for long in the minds and memories of people. The following is a list of famous business taglines and slogans from the world’s most successful and prominent companies.
Acer : “Empowering Technology”
Adidas : “Impossible is Nothing”
American Airlines: “Something special in the air.”
American Express: “Don’t leave home without it.”
Apple: “Think different”
Avon: “The company for women.”
BMW: “The ultimate driving machine.”
Budweiser: “The king of beers.”
Burger King: “Have it your way.”
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate: “A glass and a half in every half pound”
Compaq: “Has it changed your life yet?”
Cannon: “Delighting You Always”
Cisco Systems: “Welcome to the Human Network”
Citibank: “The Citi Never Sleeps”
CNN: “Be the first to know.”
Coca-Cola: “It’s the real thing.”
Courier Express: “Today’s delivery problems solved tomorrow.”
Dell: “Easy as Dell”
DHL: “We move the world.”
Disneyland: “The happiest place on earth.”
eBay: “Buy it. Sell it. Love it.”
Energizer: “It keeps going, and going, and going…”
Ernst & Young: “Quality in everything we do.”
Facebook: “Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.”
Fedex: “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.”
Ford: “Everything we do is driven by you.”
General Electric: “We bring good things to life.”
Gillette: “The best a man can get”
Goodyear: “The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them.”
Google: “Don’t be evil”
Hershey’s Chocolate Candy Bars: “There’s a smile in every Hershey Bar.”
Hewlett Packard: “Invent”
Honda: “The power of dreams”
HSBC: “The world’s local bank”
IBM: “Solutions for a small planet.”
Intel: “Intel Inside”
Jaguar: “The art of performance.”
Johnnie Walker: “Keep Walking”
Kentucky Fried Chicken: “Finger-lickin’ good!”
Kit Kat: “Have a break. Have a Kit-Kat.”
Kodak: “Share moments Share life”
KPMG: “It’s time for clarity”
LG: “Life’s Good”
Lorea’l: “Because you’re worth it.”
M&Ms: “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands”
McDonalds: “I’m Loving It”
Microsoft: “Where do you want to go today.”
Motorola: “Hello Moto”
Nike: “Just do it”
Nokia: “Connecting people”
Oracle: “Information Driven”
Panasonic: “Ideas for Life”
Pepsi: “The choice of a new generation”
Philips: “Let’s Make Things Better.”
Polo: “The mint with the hole.”
Redbull: “It gives you wings”
Reebok: “I am what I am.”
Samsung: “Digitally Yours.”
Sharp: “Sharp Minds Sharp Products.”
Shell Oil: “You can be sure of Shell.”
Singapore Airlines: ”A great way to fly.”
Sony: “It’s a Sony”
Sprite: “Obey your thirst”
Star Wars: “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
Subway: “Eat Fresh.”
Sun Microsystems: “We put the . in dot.com”
TGI Friday’s: “Come for the food – Stay for the Fun.”
The X-Files: “The truth is out there.”
Tide: “Tide’s in, dirt’s out.”
Toshiba: “Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba?”
Toyota: “The car in front is a Toyota.”
Triumph Lingerie: “Triumph has the bra for the way you are.”
United Airlines: “Fly the friendly skies”
UPS: “Moving at the speed of business.”
VISA: “It’s everywhere you want to be.”
Volkswagen: The Car (Das Auto)”
Volvo: “For life”
Wall Street Journal: “The daily diary of the American dream.”
Xbox 360: “Jump In”
Xerox: “We’re moving beyond documents”
Yahoo: “Do you Yahoo!?”
Yellow Pages: “Let your fingers do the walking.”
Youtube: “Broadcast yourself.”
I hope that the list above has given you some good points and ideas to make your own slogans which you can use on your business commercials, product promotions, and other marketing tactics. You may also want to read our list of famous taglines and slogans of brand names and businesses from the Philippines.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
microsoft changed its tagline to
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