Yes this blog is already making money, and not only that, it’s also earning passive income every month. As of this writing, Google have just sent me, through Western Union, a $161 cash for my Adsense earnings last month. It’s growing every month. It’s not as high as the other bloggers are making out there, but for a nine-month old blog, I can say with honor that my hard work and patience have finally started to reward me. Besides, it’s only Adsense, and it isn’t the only monetization scheme you can rely on to make money with your blog. But if you will ask me how I did it, you will understand that this blog isn’t only a product that is built for nine months. I have built my self as a blogger filled with various online experiences for years. This isn’t my first blog, and this isn’t the first time I made money online. However, this is my first time to earn passive income. I’ve been making money on the Internet in the past trading domain names and flipping websites. I’ve been blogging in the past but had no luck earning passive income from CPC ads and affiliate programs.
Now, my story doesn’t mean you need to spend many years honing yourself as a professional blogger to start making some cold cash on the Internet. I say experience isn’t only the source of wisdom, but copying and reflection are also good sources of wisdom that can help you succeed in your entrepreneurial journey online. Thus, sit back, relax and learn the lessons I will share to you now. Don’t make the same mistakes that people have committed in the past. This is how you will accelerate in learning how to make money online. Learn and reflect to the following 10 reasons why you’re not making money on your blog right now.
1. You’re only blogging for money. Money is not to be chased, but money should be the one following you. If you only blog for money, you’re just scaring money away from you. Money lives inside the pocket of your customers; it also goes along with your blog’s traffic. So if you want to attract money, attract visitors and customers. If you want to make money online, the first rule is… to help people!
2. You’re not receiving enough traffic that converts into profit. Traffic converts to profit. Just like in a TV show, its viewers convert to profit. If your show doesn’t have viewers or if your blog don’t have visitors, then you will not make money. Now if you want to attract more traffic, you should blog not only to express yourself or present to people what your life is all about, but you should publish contents that again… will help people!
3. Your blog is new. If you’re just blogging for about 3-5 months and if your blog have just only published about 100 blog posts or less, then you still need to show more patience. You should understand that search engines are just starting to deeply index your pages and people from social networks are just stating to discover your interesting contents. So help yourself and don’t quit. Keep moving and work harder!
4. You’re not focusing on one blog. Here’s one of my major mistakes in my previous blogging experience. Blogging is an exciting job. That is why when something puffs up in my mind, I immediately start making a blog about it. The result is… I got many blogs in the past. I also thought that if I can maintain more blogs, I’ll also earn more money. But this only resulted to failure as I have not maintained any stable blog – some of them even disappear when I wasn’t already able to renew their domain names. Now here’s the lesson. Don’t expand your business when you haven’t achieved any success yet. In other words, don’t expand your blog network if you don’t succeed on one blog yet. Focus on one blog first until it become stable and really successful. After that, you can multiply that success by creating another successful blog.
5. You have not created a good plan. In every undertaking, a good plan is vital to achieving success. A vision isn’t enough if you don’t come up with realistic steps to realize that vision. A good plan consists of your achievable, measurable, relevant, specific and trackable goals, together with their procedures to attain them. Remember that one secret to success is to never quit on your game plan. If you don’t have any plan, then what will be your motivation, direction and destination? Thus, start your blog with a strategic plan. This plan should contain your blog’s long-term goals and procedures that will keep you on going straight to success. Your plan should also include everyone who’s connected to your blog, namely, you (the blogger) and most importantly your blog’s users. If you want to earn lasting profit online, create a plan that defines your long-term objectives and then stick to them.
6. You’re not implementing SEO on your blog. Your blog isn’t optimized for the search engines and searchers. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective formulas to attracting traffic to your blog. Even if you have a great blog with interesting contents, if nobody knows it, then you’re not gonna pull traffic to your blog. Google, Yahoo, Bing and other major search engines are among the best sources of traffic on the Internet. If you’re wondering why other bloggers are richer than you, it could be that they know more SEO than you know. You can start reading our article titled “25 Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques” to start understanding SEO.
7. You’re ignoring the power of social media. Another effective way to pulling more traffic and visitors to your blog is to utilize the power of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Youtube, Digg and other popular social media sites on the Internet. Big and small businesses have been benefiting from them in terms of increasing their popularity and building their brand online. You should not be the last to try the power of social media. When using the social media to attract people, learn how to create viral contents or those contents that are likely to influence people. Check out one of the most popular and influential article we’ve shared to social networking sites, it’s titled “100 ways to become a better business person”.
8. Your blog doesn’t offer quality content. SEO, social media marketing and other promotions can boost your blog’s traffic, but not absolutely stable traffic. If you have done effective advertising or promotion for your blog but did not ensure that you are offering quality content, it will be a dead-end for your visitors. In other words, the people you have attracted through good promotion will be disappointed once they visit your blog, causing them to never return again. So if you want to really make money online, you should turn your visitors into loyal followers by providing them only contents that are useful and helpful to them. Satisfy them and make their lives better!
9. You don’t experiment. Making money online is a continuous experiment. That is why most people that succeed are those that are diligent, patient and persistent. For example, success in earning from ads (Cost per click ads, affiliate programs, etc.,) depends on the placement of your ads and on the targeting of your traffic. You need to make experimentations. Furthermore, there are still untapped opportunities out there that we still need to discover to make more money online. We cannot rely on single or few monetization schemes. That is why we need to continuously conduct research and experiments to ensure that we are optimizing our income potential.
10. You don’t invest money. Earning money is not all about getting money, but it is also about investing money. Some bloggers can make money online without spending any dime, but this also means spending more time. To efficiently earn money from blogging, you need to somehow ready to spend money even just for your own domain name and web hosting. If you want to build your brand and identity online, you need to give your blog its own domain name. You should also invest money on web hosting, and when necessary, outsourcing some services from experts, such as from search engine optimizers and blog designer, can also be a wise decision. Remember that you also need to make your blog look professional. If you will ask me how much money did I spend on this blog… I just invested money on domain name, web hosting and a premium blog theme. They aren’t that expensive. I do my own SEO and Internet marketing.
Good luck to your blogging journey. Remember that hard work will make you luckier. If you have any questions, feel free to make a comment below.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Congratulation on making money from this blog 🙂 Making money Online is exactly like making money Offline. People tend to think that making money online is simple, because of the lower entry barrier, but the exit barrier is also low! It takes determination, hard work, patience and a hell lot of a time to make money Online.
Thank you valentine,
I also want to congratulate you for setting up your great website.
Thats why im not making money on my blog…. ^^ hehehehe
I can see your earnings. 🙂
Hmm… I’m guilty of all of those except number 1. No wonder I’m not earning anything. Our main blog and legal blog is now on their 8th month and not generating any income. Our third blog is about food and at its third month and has super low traffic. =( Perhaps, we expanded too drastically. We’re thinking that if we started early, we can gain more loyal readers or at least earn a few page views more than having to have started late. Is that a bad rationale?
Starting early is a good move. But we should not forget to formulate a good plan. This blog, on it’s 9th month, already receives, more than 2k UV/ daily. What I did is to write articles that are:
1. useful, e.g., how to, lists
2. have not been published before – these have great chance to rank higher in the search engines
3. interesting and enlightening – these are those get popular in the social media
Also, I have mixed writing styles. I write long posts, I also write short but deep posts.
I also mix quality posts and quantity posts. But before you write and write, make sure to get your blog indexed deeply in Google first.