Are you looking for small business ideas that can keep you close to your partner while earning extra income? Well, starting a business with your significant other will not only help you financially but will also help your relationship grow.
There are many business startups that might help you find the best fit for your skills and strengths. Check this out to find out what’s best for you.
1. Food Catering.
Some couples probably love to cook, so why not turn that passion into money and consider starting your own catering business as a couple? That would be a good bonding activity at the same time a good start for your financial goals. In the Philippines, if you intend to cater to government offices, which could become your big clients, you have to apply for PhilGEPS (Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System) to have eligibility to bid and cater to their needs.
2. Blogging/Vlogging
Do you love taking videos or sharing stories and ideas? Why not share them through a blog or Vlog? Just by making interesting content and posting it on YouTube/Instagram (Vlog), and website (Blog) you can boost your income and strengthen your bond. A good niche for couples in blogging could be a travel blog. You may travel together to different places, then write useful blog posts or produce interesting videos that will help people become more familiarize with the places you have visited.
3. Online Marketing Services
Are you both tech and Internet savvy and skilled in marketing and communication? Do you know how to build a website, create content and promote brands online? You can help businesses promote their products to target customers online. Online marketing services, may include website development, content creation, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and analytics.
4. Online Buy and Sell
I’m sure both of you love to buy things yet don’t get something in return. Why not start a business where you can buy low and then sell it high? We all know that people love to shop and we can’t deny the fact that there are a lot of active consumers in this world. Another advantage in this kind of business is that, it only has low investment, minimal skill requirements, and you can manage it from home. Thus, you can still spend time with your partner.
5. Poultry Business
If both of you love to take care of animals, you may want to make a business out of it. In fact, poultry products are one of the food sources of the people, so this is a good opportunity to earn from this venture. You can start at your backyard to try things out then move on to a larger area once you think you can make it to the next level.
6. T-shirt Printing
Since we are now in the 21st century, clothes are not just worn for the sense of protection, but for the sense of fashion and creativity. As a couple, T-shirt printing might be a good start up business for you. You can make couple shirts and other kinds of shirts with different designs that your target market will surely love.
7. Photobooth Business
Photobooths have become quite popular in today’s generation. They have become a must have in weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, festivals and any other events. Putting up this kind of business is in demand. You just need to have a bit of technical knowledge and ambition in order to succeed in this kind of venture.
8. Rental Business
Do you own different tools, gadgets, instruments, or any other things that people need? Why not try putting up a business around them? Aside from the fact that you’ll be able to help other people find what they need for a one-time or occasional use, you’ll also gain money from it.
9. Photography Business
Are you a photography enthusiast? Or do you both enjoy taking pictures together? If yes then, photography business is best for you. You only need a DSLR camera, lens, skills in photo editing and photography, and you’re ready to shoot and earn.
10. Travel Agency
Everyone loves to travel and I know for sure, you and your partner also have that dream of traveling around the world. Then why not start a business out of it? The costs are relatively low and there are plenty of opportunities for someone with the passion to sell travel and adventure tours.
And since people are now more exposed to technologies, the internet has made it possible to put up a travel agency even you’re at home with a little capital. So what are you waiting for, start off your travel agency business and generate more profit from it.
11. Handicraft Business
Are you both creative and artistic? Well, it is now your time to express your creativity and turn it into money. People love to personalize their stuff and tourists also love cultural items for souvenirs, that’s why this kind of business has been increasingly in demand. So, why not try putting up a business like this and turn your passion into money. You’ll surely enjoy it without feeling the burden.
12. Your Business Idea based on your Passion and Expertise.
We all have different passion and expertise. The best business you and your partner can start is one that is based on your passion, expertise and long-term goals. Don’t start a business just because it’s what’s hot or where the money is right now, but start a business because you know and believe with all your mind and heart that you can survive and succeed with it no matter how difficult the challenges and your competition will be.
There you have it! I hope as you browse through this article, you get some ideas of what kind of business to start in the future. It’s indeed a sweeter success once you achieve it with someone you love. You just have to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses then use that to meet your goals. Also, keep in mind that whatever business you will start, you should be able to have enough knowledge about it, so it can grow successfully.

Content writer at Optixor , Film Script Writer, Freelance Photographer and Film Maker.
this idea is really helpful. thnaks a lot for this best idea