Landing a new job is exciting. Hopefully, you’ve increased your salary or are getting ready to work in a role that fills you with excitement and anticipation. However, shortly after you get the good news, the excitement wears off and a new emotion takes its place: anxiety. … [Read more...]
How to Change Careers? Tips from the Educational Platform’s Founder.
Even 20 years ago the tendency “one life - one career” was the most predominant. But the world is changing dramatically and so do we. In this article the founder and CEO of Refocus, Roman Kumar Vyas, will share some tips based on their students’ experience - 40 % of them were … [Read more...]
Tips for Pursuing a Career in Accounting
Having a great job positively impacts various areas of your life. It opens doors to financial stability both now and in the future, and also improves your mental wellbeing. It’s no wonder, then, that a great deal of focus goes into making smart choices about the career path you … [Read more...]
8 Famous Creatives Whose Side Hobbies Helped Their Careers (Infographic)
Cross-training has become a common practice in recent years, employers aim to cross-train their employees, athletes push to cross-train their bodies, and studies have shown that cross-training your brain is transformational for your career. Taking time away from your daily work … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
Have you ever experienced an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach just after you have agreed to do something that you know you shouldn't do? Rationally, you accept the negative consequences of your decision. However, your emotions are telling you something different. To be … [Read more...]
Strategies for Getting the Job You Want
What's the worst mistake you have ever made? If you asked this question during an interview, it will probably make you more nervous than you already are. Will you look like a loser if you admit to making mistakes? Or will the interviewers think you are hiding something if you … [Read more...]