Many women would like to be promoted to upper management. Why do so few of them make it? Several explanations are given for this state of affairs. Among them is the common idea that women interrupt their careers to have babies, and by the time they return, the men have overtaken … [Read more...]
10 Career Tips for Women at Work
William Golding once said, "I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men; they are far superior and always have been." I believe that any woman could reach the peak of her career if she would just be able to utilize all her resources right. A working woman who is … [Read more...]
10 Work-Life Balance Tips for Moms
Every new mother who is working would usually feel overwhelmed of the new and most challenging role in their life. Balancing your career and at the same time learning how to be a responsible mom is stressful but know that you are not alone. There are millions of moms out there … [Read more...]