In order to encourage taxpayers in the Philippines to file and pay their taxes on or before the due date, the BIR and DOF impose penalties for late filing of any tax declarations. Basically, the tax penalty here is composed of interest (20% per annum), surcharge (outright 25% if … [Read more...]
33 Random Acts to Help the Philippines Progress
Have you ever asked yourself what can you contribute to your beloved country to help it move forward and achieve progress? There are no people in the world who can help the Philippines better than ourselves – the Filipinos and the citizens of this country. If the Americans, … [Read more...]
The Philippines is in a Serious Calamity
We've been hit by earthquakes, volcano eruptions and super typhoons. We've been invaded by the Spaniards and the Japanese conquerors in the past. Natural disasters and wars have shaken our nation over the years, but these are not the calamities I’m talking about. … [Read more...]