The devastating effects of COVID-19 are slowly easing up, but the airline industry is still reeling from the massive economic loss that the pandemic has caused over the past few years. Travel restrictions and lockdown measures have led to a sharp decline in revenue and passenger … [Read more...]
IoT and Business during Covid-19
It is no wonder that the recent pandemic, COVID-19, is transforming the way businesses operate. However, what is remarkable is that the outbreak has intensified the speed at which these businesses are implementing IoT and digital approaches. Many companies are now dependent … [Read more...]
Investment and Innovation – The Way Out of the Pandemic
They say that desperation is the mother of invention and innovation, and this is something that has been borne out throughout history. If we go back to World War II, for example, inventions such as synthetic rubber and the atomic bomb helped the Allies to wage war on an … [Read more...]