For organizations, innovation is in many ways similar to change. Both are inevitable, and both are things that people and organization try to manage to their own advantage. Innovation is driven by many factors that are, at least partly, beyond the control of individual people … [Read more...]
How to be Unique
Being unique is a quality in business and marketing that leads to successful branding. If you offer a unique brand or a product, it attracts more attention than ordinary ones. If you are blogging for your business, unique blog posts and stories are more likely to be favored by … [Read more...]
5 Interesting Memes for Work, Success and Fun
Memes are one of the hottest stuff on the Internet right now. They spread on the social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, various blogs, and other websites. They can be fun, disgusting, thought-provoking or awe-inspiring. Online marketers have … [Read more...]