The process of a small business loan application may be daunting in itself. Though you may conclude that you have all the necessary documents during the application process, the risk of a potential rejection from lenders is possible. You may ask yourself, “Why is my business … [Read more...]
What is the Difference between Investors and Creditors?
What is the difference between investors and creditors? Both of them may help and support a business or entity by contributing additional money or assets to the business. An investor contributes asset in a form of capital or equity, while a creditor contributes asset in the form … [Read more...]
The First Step to Get out of Debt
So you’re drowning in the ocean of debt? Don’t be so worried, you’re not alone. People are living in debt – even successful businesses and corporations run with their financial liabilities. But it’s great to hear that you finally realize and consider settling out your financial … [Read more...]
How to Get Out of Debt Problems
How to get out of debt trouble and problems? Not all debts give problems. They can even help us save taxes when there is interest expense, aid us in generating more profit by utilizing loan proceeds, and help our business grow more by using the funds for business expansion. Thus, … [Read more...]
What is the True Meaning of Financial Freedom?
So what is the true meaning of financial freedom? If you want to achieve it, you must know and understand it first. This is to assure that you are heading to a real financial independence that can make you truly happy in life, and not to a false freedom that will put you into … [Read more...]