The clock is ticking and a few days from now, year 2012 is here. 2012 is a year full of expectations. Aside from the London Olympics and the US presidential election, the world is anticipating the December 21, 2012 doomsday prediction. Will the world ends next year? Will you quit … [Read more...]
Is May 21 2011 the End of the World?
Will the world ends on May 21, 2011? Is there a truth behind this end of the world prediction? The May 21 doomsday or the day of rapture has been a hot issue on TV news, radio talks, blog posts and even on the topics discussed on top social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. … [Read more...]
How to Bless Your Business
How to bless your business and achieve prosperity? We build our businesses for profitability, which can be in the form of money, honor, happiness and self-fulfillment. Thus, we want our business and company to avoid any bad luck and ensure that they reach their ultimate success. … [Read more...]
How to Prepare for the End of the World Now
How to prepare for the end of the world now? Earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan, war in Libya, prices are soaring high and even my dear provinces of Leyte and Samar have just suffered from devastating rain and flooding. Is the end of the world near? Will the movie 2012 and the … [Read more...]
Timeless Business Tips from the Bible
When it comes to great business tips, I am more confident of those timeless tips that come from eternal sources – the verses from the Bible. Years will pass and generations will change, but the wisdom and insights that are in the Holy Scriptures will not fade. I’ve been reading … [Read more...]