Success can be measured in many ways. It can be determined by the wealth we own, the level of happiness we feel, the freedom we get, the friends we keep or even the good night’s sleep we enjoy every night. Just thinking about success can make as already excited. And when we achieve it, that excitement can become one of our life’s greatest moments. Whether you’re a businessman, a professional, a family man or simply just a servant, you don’t want to suffer failure. You strive to get even the small pieces of success. There are many formulas that are attributed to realizing success, such as patience, passion, persistence, positivity, prudence and practice. But the following four Ps of success are my secrets to tell.
Planning is one of the most important keys to better achievements. It requires time to make a good plan, but it will save us more time during our executions. Without strategic planning, hard work and passion may not give us the accomplishment we really want. That is because without a plan, any diligence and persistence can go to the wrong direction. A good plan establishes our objectives and the procedures on how we can accomplish those objectives. It also defines our success. In other words, it specifies and measures success, making it more achievable and realizable for us. Planning also makes us more prepared to any contingencies. Moreover, without a game plan, we won’t have any guideline to follow.
In the business world, if you wish to start a company and you need to find investors, a business plan is a must. Of course, investors will not dare to put money on you without seeing feasibility on your business. Planning is important, just think of the ballooning population in our country, isn’t the lack of family planning one of the major causes of this problem? I had several blogs created in the past, but this blog that you are reading now is by far the most successful blog I ever created. This blog has not even reached its first year anniversary, but it already surpassed my other older blogs in terms of traffic and profit. The reason can be found on my plan for this blog. Of course I have plans on my previous blogs, but they are not better and more formalized than my plan for this blog.
So what can I say to anyone who wants to make sure success? Spend time and attention to you plan and make it better and smarter to better ensure to whatever success you want to achieve. Remember that planning needs patience, prudence and positivity.
After creating a great plan, it’s now time to execute it according to the steps and procedures you have included in that plan. Planning involves more thinking and brainstorming, while execution involves your actions. If planning requires you patience, prudence and positivity… playing your game plan requires your passion, energy and diligence. Most people will come up with a good plan. However, not all of them will really execute it accordingly. Some of the major reasons could be laziness and the absence of zeal to do it. Procrastination and the failure to come up with an achievable plan can also become major causes of abandoned plans.
I use the term play to make your actions more interesting and enthusiastic. In other words, we need to enjoy what we do. We need to be happy working out our plans. Aside from enjoying our moves, playing is also a term that we can use to make our actions more strategic and wise. Consider it as an intelligent move that should stand out from this competitive world. Now we have the 2 Ps among the 4Ps of success. Let’s move on to the third P.
Yes it is pause – the third P of success. Pause only means rest or recovery. Actually, this is self-explanatory, but to make you understand how important rest is in our journey to success, we will tackle this further. We are not super humans, and even machines also need to rest. Furthermore, it’s not all about taking a break, but it is more on giving ourselves the time to recover and become more productive after that break. If planning requires intelligence, and playing requires diligence… resting requires self-control or discipline. And yes, it’s vital to achieving success! Even your own body knows it. That is why it sends messages or warnings to your brain when it’s already time to take a break.
Hardworking should not be misunderstood with overworking. The two terms are different. While the first can bring us success, the latter can bring us to failure, sickness and even death. If you’re a leader or a manager, you should also give your people enough rest to make your team functioning smoothly. Workers and employees become more productive if they are given short-breaks during working days and a series of vacations during the year. Also, when times are getting tougher and when problems are doubling, we should also learn how to slow down. Stress and exhaustion are two of the common causes of man’s failure. To cope with stress and exhaustion, we need to pause for a while and give ourselves time to recover. Our body needs enough rests and sleep to repair its damaged cells and build up stronger ones, which we need to work with more strength and with more quickness.
Play Again
Play again, you know what I mean. If prudence is for planning, passion is for playing, and self-discipline is for giving yourself a pause, then persistence is for playing again. Our last P to success is simply to play again or to resume to work. If there’s one thing I can advise to anyone who want to achieve success, my advice is simply don’t quit on your good plan! Taking a break is helpful, but just like hard work that must not become an over work, rest should not also become a too much rest. Remember that rest is only sweet when you are tired and sleep is nice if you feel sleepy. Resting without having a good job done is such a thing that doesn’t give us a good feeling.
Success can already be achieved ideally on your mind through planning. But this success in advance should be accurately identified, that is, it should be specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). After establishing a smart or even a smarter plan, it should be executed with your pure energy, hard work and passion. Then you need to make productive rest. Yes, you’ve read it right, rests can also be productive, especially if you’re taking a break after doing a great job. When you take such kind of break, it lets your body develop a stronger you. But rests should not take away your focus. That is why you need to resume at the right time. So the last piece of success is to continue. The four Ps of success are Plan, Play, Pause and Play Again. Always remember that and claim your reward of success!
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
ariston @ make money online says
I wish my wife can read this article, espclly the third P which she always takes for granted. I still remember that I’d told her the same words – ‘magpahinga ka naman, ung mga makina nga kailangang ihinto paminsan-minsan.’ (I’ll email the link to her and hopefully she will read this posting.)
Thanks for sharing & maupay nga adlaw! 🙂
Vic says
Thanks Ariston for sharing. Are you from Eastern Visayas? You may join our Eastern Visayan Group of Bloggers in Facebook. Just search EVBLoggers. 🙂
ariston @ make money online says
I would luv to… thanks for the invitation! 😛