When you have finally decided to buy a new laptop, the next decision to make involves what you do with your money. Of course, you want to get your money’s worth and own the best laptop possible. However, there are many factors involved in this process. This article was written to guide Filipino consumer with tips for buying a new laptop in the Philippines.
Mobility and portability
The very first thing to note is the issue of portability. Laptops are designed to be mobile, so you better make sure that what you get is light enough for your purposes. Consider how you will normally transport the laptop from place to place. Also consider the medium of storage and transportation into consideration due to a number of factors, including safety of the laptop from physical damage and theft. If you don’t really need to take a computer outside your home, then you might as well buy a desktop instead.
Knowing the specifications
Take a look at the hardware specifications and decide on whether they are suited to your needs. You may get a multi-core powerhouse since that’s cool, but that will have a shorter battery life than a less powerful version that can probably do the job just as well for you. While benefits are hard to not obsess about, consider your fundamental needs first and seek to satisfy them first and foremost. What you may want to take note of the most in this case is the size of RAM, which dictates how quickly and efficiently programs can be run and processed. You may also want other things like wi-fi and a disk writer, which are usually included with modern laptops.
Why not try second hand laptops?
Consider second hand laptops before going nuts for new ones. If you want one just for things like internet browsing or work, then there is no real need for something like a gigantic gaming laptop. You can get something that is almost as good as a brand new model, but much less expensive. There are various online and newspaper classifieds where you can search people who are selling laptops on cheaper price. If you still have some money left over in your budget due to the savings you have patiently kept for times, then you may spend them on various upgrades, which is a good bonus.
Learning ergonomics
Ergonomics is also an issue to consider, especially for laptops mainly used for work. Repetitive stress injuries are a genuine concern that turns normally sedentary work into something that is just as bad as more labor-intensive work due to the seriousness of such physical conditions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is something that can require surgery, so do what you can to prevent that from happening, including having the best ergonomics possible with your laptop. Take a look at the keyboard and make sure that it is comfortable for your hands and wrists in order to minimize the possibility of damage.
The power in your battery
One of the most important components of the laptop is the battery, which provides power when the device is unplugged. Check the estimated battery life and make sure that it is at least somewhat new since older batteries are on their way to becoming flat. Laptop batteries can be quite expensive as they are unique to each manufacturer and model, making it quite tedious to purchase new ones.
There are many more things that you can do in order to grab the best laptop that you can get for your money here in the Philippines. There are a few locations that are regarded as tech centers in major cities, and it is wise to start from those places as they would have lower prices and high quality customer service waiting for you.
Writing for almost a decade, Kristel Cuenta is one of the contributors of BusinessTips.Ph. She took up Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Literature in college. She has practiced teaching English subject in a secondary school until she decided to use her writing skills and passion for generating an income. Follow Kristel on Twitter @kristelcuenta
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