Would you like to drive more traffic from Facebook to your blog or website?
Well, driving Facebook traffic to your blog is quite challenging. In spite of the quality of article you write, without readers, your efforts are useless. If you look at your blog’s traffic, social media is likely to be among the sources.
In fact, social media traffic is even more engaging than search engine and direct traffic. With billions of active users all over the world, it is fair to say that Facebook is the supreme social network in terms of user base. Facebook provides incredible opportunities to increase your blog’s readership.
Some business owners believe that Facebook is simple, you just have to update your wall and people will flock to your page and respond. But actually, in order to increase engagement, you need to create content that is not only relevant but personal as well. Its ever growing popularity and significance make it a crucial social network for your business to get on and optimize effectively.
To help you understand this better, here are some tips you need to keep in mind in creating a strategy for driving traffic and engagements from Facebook.
1. Create share worthy blog content.
Your social media engagement rates have a lot to do with the kind of blog content you create. Most of the optimization techniques will be ineffective if your content is not that relevant. Posting a fresh and innovative content ideas can help you attract thousands of social shares and will help you gain more traffic.
2. Be active on Facebook.
You need to be active and post frequently if you want to gain extra traffic to your blog. A great way to get more exposure and connection is through sharing useful content, joining conversations, and engaging with people. By building a virtual relationship with your Facebook friends, you can grow your blogs reach.
3. Timing.
Timing is one of the most important things you need to consider when posting on any social networking site. Try to think of the times when people are most likely to check updates on their social network account. It would be better to post after work or when people are in transit, so you’ll reach a lot of audience.
4. Make short updates.
When creating Facebook updates to your blog posts, make your captions short, enticing, clear and intriguing. Your Facebook update gives your audience a good idea of what the blog article is all about. As much as possible keep your text more understandable in order to get more engagement. Keep in mind your mobile readers before creating your post, and write 4 or 5 sentences that summarize your article and choose the most intriguing to post on Facebook.
5. Ask questions.
A common strategy used by many bloggers is to ask questions related to their blog post – it naturally invoke a response. So, use questions that are intriguing to grab the readers’ attention. There are many ways to ask questions such as: personal views, fill in the blanks, trivia and the like. Another option is to essentially poll your audience and ask their feedback on something then give the solutions in the blog post you are sharing. This way you can encourage people and they will click on it.
6. Make your images big.
Facebook posts that include images get more engagement than the posts without photos. By making your images prominent, you’re going to gain more Facebook likes, shares, comments, and clicks. No one likes to read a couple of text so include a photo that represents the subject.
Posts without graphics are often overlooked because they are not visually attractive and it takes more time for the reader to become engaged.
Here’s a guide to make sure you are using images with the perfect dimensions on your Facebook posts: Facebook Photos Size Guide 2017
7. Use a short quote from your blog.
Give your followers a taste of your blog post by including an intriguing quote from your article. Find a quote that’s concise and gives a flavor of its content. Quotes in general, are some of the most shared content on Facebook.
8. Use high conversion keywords.
Certain keywords generate more engagement on all social networks. It attracts more clicks and gets more exposure. Using conversion keywords intelligently in your social media updates can increase the visibility of your posts.
9. Expand your reach with hashtag.
You must have seen a lot of people using different hashtags on their Facebook posts and updates. Hashtag expand the reach of your posts beyond your immediate followers and help you reach new audience. Using one or two hashtags can significantly increase the effectiveness of your social media content and will help you drive more traffic.
10. Join/Create a group.
I’m sure you already heard about the saying “go where your audience is.” Facebook is all about building communities. If you can’t find a group that is suitable for your business, why not create your own? Creating your own group helps your business or blog grow, you can build trust and develop the reputation as an industry leader by providing a space where people can share ideas and tips.
11. Facebook Contest.
Facebook Contest is another great way to increase Facebook engagement because it does not only reward loyal followers, it also creates excitement and will get users to visit your page and blog frequently to check if they have won. Different contests can be structured to target the engagement that you would like from your audience. A ‘vote to win’ contest would get you likes, but not as many comments as the more challenging contests that would require you to write a tagline in the comment box.
Make sure to read Facebook’s guidelines on running contests on your Facebook Page to avoid violations of their terms and policies: Facebook Pages Terms.
12. Share other people’s content.
Since social media is all about sharing, this is also a great way to drive more traffic to your blog site. Share blogs that are related to you business and related to your target market. By using this strategy, your customers will appreciate your informative content. Just make sure that you are sharing other people’s content from trustworthy sources.
The tips above can be done for free. However, if you like to boost your results further, a wise strategy is to implement Facebook Advertising. This way, your blog post links can reach more audience and gain more engagements and traffic, especially if you will also follow the tips above.
Facebook is an amazing social networking site where you can share you blog, get it shared, and eventually get you more readers for your blog articles. Driving traffic from Facebook requires a combination of tweaks to your posts and some structural changes to your blog site. Thus, if you can create this combination right, you can gain more traffic and engagement from Facebook.

Content writer at Optixor , Film Script Writer, Freelance Photographer and Film Maker.
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