Managers can be found in different areas of a company or organization, such as marketing, production, accounting and human resources department. They are all given the duty to get their subordinates together to accomplish their goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. They do the planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling functions to ensure the achievement of those goals. But although most managers are packed with all the required educational degrees, business experience and previous achievements before they are promoted to the management positions, many managers still become unsuccessful. The following are the top 12 reasons why managers fail.
1. They don’t claim their share of blame
Most managers fail because they are selfish rather than selfless. When profit, honor and glory come they take the bigger share. But when loss, failure and blame come, they don’t claim the smaller share. A manager, to become successful, should have a sense of justice and self-sacrifice. Without those things, their subordinates fall into low-morale.
2. They are not prudent and proactive
There are managers who don’t know when to talk and don’t know where to shut their mouth. They speak gibberish words and words they cannot execute and honor. They also don’t speak the words they must speak to promote truthfulness and transparency inside the organization. With this kind of management, people’s loyalty and confidence fail, resulting to management failure.
3. They don’t hear, see and feel the both sides
Favoritism is known to destroy a good management. That is why most managers avoid it. But what they don’t usually know is that they can create favoritism without noticing that they have done it. This happens if they don’t listen, investigate and take time to understand the both sides. Being fair is not only as easy as choosing fairness. Fairness and equality must also be practiced with patience… and with passion.
4. Their plans don’t include the success of their subordinates
Managers plan; they definitely have plans. But when these plans don’t include the bright future of their subordinates, what waits for these followers? The sense of direction should not only be tasted by the managers or those who are in the higher positions, but they should also be enjoyed by everyone who is part of the whole organization: the managers, every subordinate, and the organization as a whole.
5. They lack humility and simplicity
A humble manager can uplift the spirit of his subordinates. Likewise, a simple manager can provide comfort to his people. Without humility from the top, subordinates will feel weak because they will feel overpowered. Likewise, without simplicity that governs, the organization runs in chaos and inconvenience.
6. They aren’t good business persons
A manager or employer can make his workers or employees happy. But when he doesn’t make his customers and other outside stakeholders of the organization happy, his people will not achieve true happiness. Employees, though they receive high compensation, if they realized that their customers’ satisfaction is compromised, will have many sleepless nights and suffer from a not so clean conscience. Managers should not only focus on the people inside his organization, but also on the people served by his organization.
7. They are greedy of money, authority, opportunity, time and privacy
When employees earn less money, less empowerment and less opportunity for personal and professional growth, they become unmotivated, thus, leaving the organization for a greener pasture. Furthermore, workers also demand time and attention from their managers to listen to their concerns and address them. When managers use all of their time to focus on themselves, their subordinates become forsaken, ignored and uninspired. Most employees also depart from managers who don’t give them enough space and privacy.
8. They don’t promote health and welfare
The good health and wellness of workers are the responsibility of their managers. They are even considered as legal obligations, since the law mandates the welfare and well-being of every employee in every company. When managers don’t take care of their subordinates (who are humans who suffer exhaustions, stress and illness), the organization also becomes unhealthy.
9. They break the organizational rules
Management fails when managers don’t become role models. Managers become unsuccessful when they cannot make their policies well-implemented. Rules and policies are created to provide order and harmony inside an organization. They exist to bind every team or every organization. When someone breaks it, regardless of whether he is a leader or a member, the organization will also be broken.
10. They don’t build trust and integrity
Every manager wants their subordinates to trust them, but only few of them strive to become trustworthy. Although a leader is not trustworthy and lacks integrity, his people may still follow him and do what he commands. However, because of the lack of trust, these people may provide actions, that they, themselves, don’t trust. In other words, they also lose their integrity and trust to themselves because of following orders from someone who cannot be trusted. Trust and integrity must start from the managers. They are the leaders anyway.
11. They don’t manage themselves
Success in organizational management should start from the managers. They should first learn how to manage themselves. Then these managers should teach and influence their subordinates to manage also themselves. In this way, they all can unite and help each other to manage the whole organization. A manager who is disorganized and disoriented will not motivate his people and will fall short in influencing them towards the achievement of their common goal.
12. They are lazy managers
Lazy managers… who are these sluggish managers? But we always see that managers are always busy? So why can there be lazy managers? The truth is there are many of them, and their laziness is one of the main reasons why most management functions fail. Most managers, especially those who are also the business owners, are busy doing everything to increase their money and financial profit. They are busy computing their earnings, without evaluating and overseeing their employees. They focus on meeting and hearing their customers, without talking and listening to their own people. They concentrate on promoting their products and building customer relationship, without promoting team-building within the organization. Thus, they lose focus on their real obligation and they fail to accomplish their duties as managers in a diligent and passionate way.
Final thoughts
Managing people is one of the hardest tasks anyone can accomplish. That is why it needs focus, lots of sacrifices, patience, diligence, understanding and dedication. Managers must be passionate in truly managing their people, and not put all of their time and effort in doing other things outside the management functions. People are hard to motivate… and the hardest one to motivate and influence is oneself. Thus, if a manager desires to achieve success, he must start to motivate and inspire himself. He needs to become a motivated and inspired person to motivate and inspire other people to work together in attaining their common goals. Finally, managers should act for the whole organization, which include themselves, their people, and the organization as a whole – acting partly will certainly cause management to failure.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
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