Customer care will keep your customers coming back to your business. But “customer love” will keep them coming back to your business loyally. Love is more powerful than care. And if your customers or clients love your business, you are in a better position to achieve success. But how can you make your customers love your business, products or brand? The answer is a simple ethic of reciprocity, that is, do unto others what you want them to do to you. In other words, if you want customers to love you, love them also. The following are 10 ways and ideas to show to your customers and make them feel that you don’t just care, but also love them.
1. Tell the truth
Start loving your clients or customers by telling them the truth. Loving starts from knowing. If you want them to love you, then you should be an open knowledge to them. Never fool your customers because it’s the worst thing you can do. If you make promises on your advertising or other marketing campaigns, be sure to deliver what you have promised. Learn how to say no if you aren’t capable of fulfilling their demands. Be honest and never disappoint them. Telling the truth is showing love because it prevents you from hurting your customers’ feelings or expectations in the future.
2. Make sacrifices
Customers work hard to earn the money they are paying to buy your products. Of course they expect comfort and convenience in exchange for the money they spent. They also expect that the products you are selling to earn profit are produced out of your hard work and sense of sacrifice. As we commonly thought, love is produced from a lot of efforts. Therefore, don’t offer products that are poor in quality and those that cause complains. Be diligent in giving extra services that can surely WOW your customers.
3. Have good intentions
To love is to think love, not to think of evil. To love your customers, always think of what can make them better, not of what can make them poorer to make you richer. Make plans that are intended to help your clients. Do not desire for their loss, but desire for their satisfaction. Remember that no matter how you hide your bad intentions, it will always smell badly and become noticeable. Hence, make your business decisions and actions a product of your good intention.
4. Do business hopefully
When a man falls in love and courts a woman, he is hopeful that the woman will accept his love. He also does anything just to prove that his love is real. He gives flowers, chocolates, and other gifts even he knows that he might be rejected. If you want to show your love to your customers, you should be like that man. You should be hopeful that your costumers will love your business. You should also do everything to prove them that your love and business is for real. Serve your customers with the best service even if you’re not sure whether they will reject you or approve you. That’s hope; that’s love.
5. Have trust and faith
Love is believing. You’ve got to trust and believe what your customers are saying, wanting, and needing. Many business owners and entrepreneurs are afraid to invest on quality and excellence because they thought that they will only suffer loss which is a result of “cost over revenue”. If you love your customers, you should be faithful and do your best to put quality and excellence on the products and services you are providing them even if you don’t see a concrete return. Besides, most companies that prioritize quality actually become profitable in the long run. Hence, always be faithful to your customers and always believe that they will also help you succeed in the long term.
6. Be humble
Love does not boast and parade itself. Love is humble. If you or your business experiences success, honor not only yourself, but give the honor to everyone who became part of your business: your customers, employees, investors, creditors, friends and family. Customers don’t feel like being loved if you will become proud and boastful. Show them love by showing humility and honor.
7. Be compassionate
Compassion is one of the greatest virtues that form love. It is also the way to understanding people. Understanding is an important value every business owner, entrepreneur or marketer must have to gain approval from customers. Relationships fail without understanding. Thus, if you want to love your clients, be compassionate. Know what’s on their mind. Feel what’s inside their emotion. If they are suffering, approach them by feeling their sufferings. And to really make them feel that you love them, do something to ease their sufferings.
8. Be kind and gentle
Show your love by having a big heart. Be generous and always wish for the happiness of your customers. Share discounts, giveaways, and freebies. Share useful information and education to them. Always have the time to inspire your customers by constantly communicating with them through your website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter or through any media. Furthermore, avoid being rude and easily angered. Be patient, gentle and always give your hands to care and comfort them. Don’t complain… if you don’t want your customers to complain too.
9. Save and protect them
Love should not only be thought or spoken, but it should be executed and actually solve a problem. Love is a solution, an answer, and a protection. Love your customers by focusing on their questions and problems. Love them by concentrating on providing solutions and answers to those questions and problems. You don’t need to be a superhuman to save and protect your consumers. Just do your best to save and help them in solving their everyday problems.
10. Continue loving them
Love is enduring. Hence, don’t just love them today and ignore them in the future. Be persistent in doing the ways above. Remember that it’s not only them that need your love, but you also need their lasting love to continue profitability and prosperity on your business.
Love is a powerful force that can bring the highest success to your business and for your life in its entirety. Yes it is hard to love your customers. But remember that customers may find it also difficult to love your business if you won’t love them. It’s just a matter of reciprocity. Finally, this reciprocity should always continue.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
Tara Woodruff says
Excellent Post! Valuable Tips to keeping a Strong Customers Base, after all that is what business is all about!
Vic says
Thanks Tara. The day of the hearts has inspired me. 🙂