Are you an online marketer? Do want to promote your business or your personal stuff on the social media, such as on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, and in the blogosphere? Do you want your Facebook statuses to be liked and shared to more people? Do you wish your tweets to be retweeted to more Twitter followers? Do you like to gain more plus in your stories posted in the Google+ stream? If you want to rock the Internet world, you should know what kind of words to use to get people’s attention. Actions speak louder than words, but everything starts from the word. If you want to have a great start, check out these 30 words that usually get people’s attention in the social media.
1. Free – With all the financial and economic crises the world felt, who doesn’t want something for free?
2. Savings / discount – If people can’t get it totally free, they will go to the next option – to get something at a lower cost or price.
3. Secret – Whatever it is as long as it raises a big question.
4. Change – Change is something that can get people’s attention since it creates a big turn to anyone’s life.
5. Fun – This is why websites like 9Gag becomes popular on Facebook and on the other social media.
6. Money / cash – Whether it is to be earned or to be won, money just make our material world go round.
7. Love / Relationship – Whether we admit it or not, love is just a powerful force that attracts us.
8. Sex / sexy / beautiful – I don’t need to explain this further, especially for men.
9. Cute – Cuteness soothes not only our eyes, but also our feelings.
10. Famous / celebrity – Celebrities like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber draw a lot of followers. This also goes to famous athletes, politicians, and other popular icons in the world.
11. Diet / lose fat – This is because most of us have extra fats to lose.
12. Cure / health – Health breakthroughs can catch people’s attention especially when they pertain to curing common diseases.
13. Wisdom – Everybody wants to be wise. Wisdom also brings good news.
14. God – A lot of people are God-fearing and the word God will surely get their attention.
15. Truth /proof – The truth, whether it hurts or it comforts, people pay attention to it. Furthermore, it will get pure attention when there are detailed and comprehensive proofs and evidence to support it.
16. Result – Who wins in the presidential election, in the Olympic Games, in the NBA showdown, in the Manny Pacquiao boxing match, or in the Golden Globe Awards? All of these results can draw a lot of attention.
17. Discovery – The humankind is in search of answers to our origin throughout our history. Discussions about evolution, Roman civilization, Egypt’s pyramid mysteries, and the likes draw a lot of interest from people.
18. Aliens / ghosts – Strange, weird, scary and paranormal things just fascinate many people.
19. Crowd / people – Where many people go, people go. When a Youtube video got a million views, it will further attract more people. When a Facebook status earned a thousand likes, it will get more likes. This is the crowd effect.
20. Hot / New – Whether it’s a good or a bad news, as long as it is hotly served, people notice it.
21. You – You is a powerful word used in marketing. This is because people are actually more interested with what benefits and advantages they can get for themselves.
22. Security / warning – Online and offline security is important to everyone. You don’t want your possessions to be stolen or even your Facebook account to be hacked. Anything that can make people panic creates a buzz.
23. Events – Special events, such as Christmas, New Year, Birthday and Anniversary are happening once in a year. That is why when it’s your Birthday, you will get much attention on Facebook.
24. Top / Best – Top ten lists and who are among the best stories can immediately raise the curiosity of a larger audience.
25. Inspiring – Words that are awe-inspiring and motivating touch and move people. This is why powerful quotes, even they are short, are usually liked and shared on the social media.
26. Instant / quick / access – Time is gold and people are just too busy to wait. Thus, they choose the ways that can get things done faster.
27. Controversial / scandal / banned – These things go viral immediately on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs, and in any social networking sites.
28. Help – I realized that there are still many people who are willing to help someone on the Internet. That is why posts and stories that can capture the hearts and kindness of many people can also become viral on the social media.
29. Future – We don’t know the future. That is why we are interested to read predictions and anything that can give us ideas on what will happen tomorrow and beyond.
30. More – Once you give exciting stories and messages, people will be eager to want more.
Do you have any attention-grabbing words to add in the list? Feel free to share your comment below.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
You’re right Vic! As if anybody carefully read those lines above, then they’ll find lots of golden nuggets on those 30 niches — I mean list. 😛
Keep up the good work and stay awesome! 🙂
Thanks Ariston. I only use the words in the list which I can also offer quality. I don’t know how to use the word sexy. 🙂
Sir Vic these two words also get attention : dangerous or danger/hazard. People like to be careful or people like to take risks so they are always curious of what are dangerous ( places, drugs, people. etc.) My postings on geo-hazards maps of metro manila and philippine fault lines are the most often read postings in my blog.
That true Sir Rolly. 🙂 People are concern about their own lives and the lives of their loved ones.
great list1 I just did all the shares on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc! It’s so true too, these are words that get people’s attention. Women love the CUTE one especially with animals and cute babies!
— Jupiter Jim
Hi Jim. Thank you for the comment and for the share. I really appreciate it.
Cool list! This list alone gives you a lot of idea on what niche you can start up with 🙂
Thanks Valerie. I’m glad that you find them cool. 🙂