How to get a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) ID from the BIR in the Philippines? Before you can file your taxes with the government through the Bureau of Internal Revenue, you need to supply your BIR form with a TIN. Likewise, before your employer (if you’re a local employee) can withhold your income tax and file it with the BIR, he should also have your TIN information. TIN should be obtained by taxpayers, such as individuals who is engaged in business and practice of profession, local employees, juridical persons (corporations and partnerships), and persons who needs it to be able to transact with different government agencies (e.g., LTO and DFA). The following are the important information, requirements, steps and procedures in securing a TIN from the Philippine BIR.
What is a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)?
A Taxpayer’s Identification Number (TIN) is a proper identification assigned to a taxpayer for tax purposes. It is indicated in all the taxpayer’s returns (e.g., income tax return, percentage tax return, VAT returns, et cetera), statements and other documents filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue. A person’s TIN is permanent and he must only have one TIN for his entire life. Any person who secures and or uses more than one TIN shall be criminally liable and shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended.
Who are required to have a TIN?
Any person, whether natural or juridical (e.g., partnerships and corporations), required by the Internal Revenue Code to file a return, statement or other documents, shall be supplied with or assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to be indicated in the return, statement or document to be filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, for his proper identification for tax purposes (Sec. 236 (j) of the Tax Code). This means that every taxpayer should obtain a TIN first before they can file their tax returns or statements with the BIR. Furthermore, a TIN card also serves as a person’s proof of identity and is required by some government, as well as private entities, in doing transactions with them (an example is when getting a driver’s license with the Land Transportation Office LTO).
Below are the persons who are required to have a TIN:
1. Individuals or employees earning purely compensation income
2. Individuals earning mixed income (income from business /profession and compensation income)
3. Nonresident citizens/Overseas Contract Workers (OCWS)/Seamen earning purely foreign sourced income
4. Estates and trusts
5. Corporations, partnerships, including Government Agencies and Instrumentalities (GAIs) and Local Government Units (LGUs)
6. One time taxpayer and persons registering under EO 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government office)
What are the requirements and procedures to obtain a TIN?
The following are the BIR forms, documentary requirements, steps and procedures for getting a TIN and registering with the BIR.
BIR Forms to be used:
1. BIR Form 1901- Application for Registration for Mixed Income Individuals, Estates and Trusts (this is the form that must be used by self-employed persons, engaged in sole proprietorship business, and professionals)
2. BIR Form 1902 – Application for Registration for Individuals Earning Purely Compensation Income and Non Resident Citizens/OCWS/Seamen Earning Purely Foreign Sourced Income (this is the form that must be used by employees earning purely compensation income)
3. BIR Form 1903 – Application for Registration for Corporations/Partnerships (Taxable/Non-Taxable), including GAIs and LGUs
4. BIR Form 1904 – Application for Registration of One Time Taxpayer And Persons Registering Under EO 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government office)
Please click here to download a pdf or excel file of BIR Forms 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904.
Documentary requirements:
A. FOR SELF-EMPLOYED AND MIXED INCOME INDIVIDUALS (including professionals and persons engaged in business)
1. Birth Certificate or any documents showing name, address, and birth date;
2. Mayor’s Permit, if applicable
3. DTI Certificate of Business Name to be submitted prior to issuance of the Certificate of Registration or BIR Form No. 2303, if applicable
4. Professional Regulation Commission ID, if applicable
5. Payment of Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) from the local government, if applicable
1. Birth certificate or any valid identification showing name, address and birth date of the applicant employee
2. Certificate of employment or valid Company ID
C. CORPORATIONS/PARTNERSHIPS (Including Government-Owned and -Controlled Corporations) (Taxable /Non-Taxable)
1. SEC “Certificate of Registration (Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate of Co-Partnership) or “License To Do Business in the Philippines” in case of resident foreign corporation
2. Mayor’s Permit or application for Mayor’s Permit – to be submitted prior to the issuance of the BIR Certificate of Registration
– Passport with Visa of the Applicant
– Birth certificate or any valid identification showing name, address and birth date; or -Passport with visa; or
– Employment contract
F. ONE TIME TAXPAYERS (With No Previously Issued TIN)
1. Birth certificate or any valid identification showing name, address and birth date of applicant (buyer and seller)
2. Deed of Sale (for sale and transfer of real properties or shares of stock)
3. Deed of Donation (for transaction on donation)
– Certification from awarding company/person
1. Birth certificate or any valid identification showing name, address and birth date of applicant
2. Deed of Sale and Official Receipt or Cash Invoice
To see the complete list of requirements for other taxpayers, such as estates and trusts, please click the link here.
Steps in applying for a TIN:
A. FOR SELF-EMPLOYED AND MIXED INCOME INDIVIDUALS (including professionals and persons engaged in business)
a) Accomplish BIR Form 1901 and submit the same, together with the required attachments, to the Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the registered address of the business establishment.
b) Pay the Annual Registration Fee (P 500.00) at the Authorized Agent Banks of the RDO.
c) Pay P 15.00 for the Certification Fee and P15.00 for the Documentary Stamp Tax (in loose form to be attached to Form 2303).
d) The RDO shall issue the Certificate of Registration (Form 2303).
Deadline: All individuals engaged in trade or business shall accomplish and file the application before the commencement of their business operation.
Note: For more information about the BIR registration of professionals, please read our article “How to register with the BIR (for professionals). For registering your business with the BIR, please read “How to register your Business with the BIR”.
a) Accomplish BIR Form 1902 and submit the same, together with the required attachments to the employer.
b) The employer shall accomplish the applicable sections of the application form.
c) Submit BIR Form 1902 to the RDO having jurisdiction over the place of residence of the applicant or to the RDO having jurisdiction over the business address of the employer.
d) The registrant-employee shall inquire from the TSS of the RDO when the TIN can be issued and received by the applicant.
Deadline: New employees shall accomplish and file the application within ten (10) days from the date of commencement of employment
a) Accomplish BIR Form 1903 and submit the same together with the required attachments to the Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the registered address of the business establishment.
b) Pay the Annual Registration Fee (P 500.00) at the Authorized Agent Banks of the RDO.
c) Pay P 15.00 for the Certification Fee and P 15.00 for the Documentary Stamp Tax (in loose form to be attached to Form 2303).
d) The RDO shall issue the Certificate of Registration (Form 2303).
e) Taxpayer must pay the Documentary Stamp Tax on the Articles of Incorporation as prescribed under Section 175 of the NIRC, on the 5th of the month following the date of issuance of said article (per RR 4-2000).
Deadline: Corporations/partnerships/joint ventures shall accomplish and file the application before the commencement of the business operation.
For the steps and procedures in obtaining TIN for other types of taxpayers, such as nonresident citizens, OCW, seamen (earning purely foreign sourced income), onetime taxpayers, trusts, estates and other persons required to have a TIN, please visit go to the BIR website TIN information page.
How to apply for an eTIN online through the BIR eRegistration System?
The BIR, for the convenience of the Filipino taxpayers, has developed the eREGISTRATION (eREG) system. It is a web application system for various taxpayer registration services, such as TIN issuance, payment of registration fee and issuance of Certificate of Registration.
The eTIN is a module of the eREG System, which offers convenient access to application for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) over the internet. Currently the system can accommodate individual taxpayers, which include (a) self-employed individuals such as Single Proprietors and Professionals, (b) Mixed Income Earners (e.g. employee and single proprietor and/or professional at the same time), (c) local employees, and (d) Executive Order (E.O.) No. 98 or those individuals who are securing TIN to be able to transact with other government offices such as LTO, NBI, DFA, and others. Issuance of TIN is free of charge.
Single Proprietors and Professionals may apply for TIN straight to the eTIN. Each user should have a unique and valid email address through which the TIN and other instructions on taxpayer registration shall be sent. After securing the TIN, Single proprietors and Professionals are required to pay the Registration Fee (RF) of P500.00 thru Authorized Agent Banks (AABs) located within the RDO indicated on the email notification or thru the following BIR-accredited payment facilities i.e., eFPS and G-Cash:
Local employees may secure their TINs from their respective employers who in turn must be enrolled in the eTIN. Employers should be active Withholding Tax Agents for Compensation Earners. Employers may enroll in the eREG by clicking on Create Employer User Account at the left side of the page.
Prospective EO 98 taxpayers may secure their TINs through authorized Government Agencies and Instrumentalities (GAIs). GAI authorized users may logon to the eTIN by clicking on the Authorized User Login at the left side of the screen.
Take note again that securing more than one TIN is criminally punishable pursuant to the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended. Every person who uses this facility for any purpose other than as intended will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.
Note: For those who already have a TIN or Taxpayer Identification “Number”, but have lost their TIN card, please read our post on “how to replace lost or damaged TIN card“.
For more information about eRegistration, please read the BIR Frequently Asked Questions about eRegistration and eTIN systems.
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
ic… thanks men! this is so useful for me.. very informative that is!. I applied for eTIN thru their website.. after I Hit submit it says GO to your BIR (sort of like that) so I guess i just have to pay for the annual registration/ certification/documentary stamp.. am I right? ^_^
Hi Lou,
Your welcome. Yes you will follow the subsequent instructions provided by the eTIN application.
This is really helpful-for those who doesn’t have TIN yet. The header says HOW TO GET A TIN ID…but the contents are just all about how to get a TIN. You’re practically misleading me here, but thanks for the effort anyway…
Hi Mr/Ms Anonymous, Thanks for commenting. ID means identification. When you have your TIN card, you can use it as a valid ID in the Philippines. Thanks.
How can I get my TIN card?
How will i get my TIN ?
i think what he/she is pertaining to is the physical id. i too have the same concern. i already have a tin number. how can we get the physical id and what are the requirements? thank you.
Yah i agree. The title is totally misleading. The procedures are clearly for obtaining you TIN NUMBER but not your ID CARD. Ive browsed most of the comments, and this question keeps on popping up. unfortunately the author has no plans or wouldnt bother answering this concern.
Hi Renz. There is no CARD in the title, although you will get it eventually if you will read the whole post and the resources linked by the post. I hope you have carefully read and understood the post. TIN is obtained not only by individuals, but also by corporations. Requirements and step for getting TIN are listed above, if you will submit and follow them, the BIR will issue you your TIN card. Now, if you already have a TIN, and you lost it, there is an instruction/link at the bottom of the post on how to replace your lost TIN “CARD”. There are already more than 100 comments on this post – are you sure, you have already browse them all, or you’ve just read some few comments on the top? This site is free, I hope that our readers would exert some effort to carefully read our content for their own informational use. For more information and confirmation, please contact the BIR. Thank you for generously sharing your comment and thoughts.
Sir dun po sa category na . INDIVIDUALS EARNING PURELY COMPENSATION INCOME (employees)
Required po yung Certificate of employment or valid Company ID, kaso pre employment palang po ako sa papasukan kong company. wla pa po yung dlwang yan. gagamitin ko po ba yung sa huling employer ko po?
Hi jason,
As listed, certificate of employment or valid company ID is required to apply TIN for employees. Your old company ID is not valid anymore. The purpose for letting employees have their TIN is to require Employers to withhold taxes from their employees. You’re still in the pre-employment stage. Hence, you’re still not an employee, right? Haven’t you applied a TIN before, since you mentioned you have a previous employer?
hi sir,
i’m currently employed and will be establishing my own business as sole proprietor. do I have to secure separate TIN for my business aside from what i’m using as an employee? thanks. – lhen
Hi Lhen,
No. Your personal Taxpayer Identification Number TIN will be the one you will use for your sole proprietorship business. Only corporations, including partnerships, have their own separate TIN since they are considered as separate and distinct juridical entities.
Hello Sir Vic,
I would just like to know where my daughter can get her TIN ID Card. She started working May 2010 and has already filed an ITR this year. She has a TIN No. but she doesn’t have a TIN ID Card yet. Where can she get it? Btw, we live in Caloocan and she works in Makati. Can she get the ID Card in any BIR branch? How long would it take before she can get the ID Card? Thanks in advance.
Is it possible that the company i am working will be the one to get my TIN number?
and what will i be giving them if it is possible?
Good evening, Sir Vic. Is TIN Card different from the digitalized TIN ID? I already got a TIN Card (the one that should be laminated, brown paper) but my sister said that the true TIN ID is already digitalized. How can i get one? Thanks!
how can i avail a new tin id after i lost my original one? and will i get it already at the day of compilation?
Hello Sir Vic. Do I need to get TIN already even if I am only 17 Years old, and turning 18 on September 2012.
And I am a member of one of Multi Level Marketing / Networking. Also I plan to Get Driver’s License and I requires me TIN.
Shall I get one now?
Don’t students need a TIN for their students permit? How do they go about it and under what category do they fall since they are not employed?
I have a TIN for many years now, but now I need a card–I think I have long ago lost it. I am overseas, and I wonder if there is a an online service to be able to get a TIN ID or certification online using my old TIN. I am grateful for your reply!
Hi im still a student and i want to apply in bpitrade investment but it requires a tin number. what will i apply:
ONE TIME TAXPAYERS (With No Previously Issued TIN) or
PERSONS REGISTERING UNDER E.O. 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government office, e.g. LTO, NBI, DFA, etc.)
what is the difference of these 2.. thank you for your reply.
Hi Sir Vic,
Just want to ask what are the requirements that i will be needed for applying TIN for my self and for my business (computer shop)? and also how can I get ITR?
Thank you and I’m waiting for your response the soonest.
Hi, assuming you’re applying a sole proprietorship business, your personal TIN and your proprietorship business TIN is one and the same TIN. So you just need to apply one TIN. Please refer to the listed requirements above. ITR forms are available at the BIR, you and your accountant will be the one to prepare it.
Hello, I’m gonna start my first job on Monday (Nov.14). The company needs a TIN number or ID from me. Where can I get those? I don’t have a Certificate of employment or valid Company ID yet. What do I do? Thank You! I would really appreciate it if you reply.
Your company is asking you your TIN for purposes of withholding your compensation income. You can tell your company that you don’t have a TIN yet. Then you can ask them your company ID so that you can get a TIN from BIR. Tell them it’s a requirement.
Hi sir vic. I already had a tin number., but i need a tin card (tin id) .. What are the requirements..? Im currently employed.
If your previously issued TIN Card is lost, you need to submit BIR form 1905 (Application for Registration Information Update) – Replacement copy of TIN card. You need to attach an affidavit of loss, which is to be notarized. Then go and submit them to the BIR district where you applied for your TIN. Remember that you can only have one TIN for life.
Hi Mr.Vic.. gusto ko lang po sanang malaman kung valid po ba ung TIN Card(brown)na in-issue one day bago mag-18 years old? Pls reply.
For what purpose?
as valid ID po.. meron napo kasi akong TIN.. kaso lasy Dec.2 nadukutan po ako.. kasama ung TIN ko.. ano pong gagawin ko???
You should get an affidavit of loss to replace your lost Card. Every taxpayer is only entitled to one unique TIN.
thanks po.. after po nung affidavit of loss.. pwede na po ba akong magpagawa ng TIN sa BIR? pano ko po marerecover ung number ko? hindi ko po kabisado un.
Hi im still a student and i want to apply in bpitrade investment but it requires a tin number. what will i apply:
ONE TIME TAXPAYERS (With No Previously Issued TIN) or
PERSONS REGISTERING UNDER E.O. 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government office, e.g. LTO, NBI, DFA, etc.)
what is the difference of these 2.. thank you for your reply.
Hi Sir! How can I apply for a digitized TIN ID CARD? I never had one (so it’s not a replacement, it’s first time application).
hi! what should i do if i have 2 TIN?
hi ! how can i get my tin id ???? tnx waiting for your reply…..
Hi. Have already applied with the BIR? and what purpose? Getting the TIN is discussed above. You may also visit the BIR in your jurisdiction. Thank you.
Sir, I just want to now If I’m qualified to obtain a TIN Number even if I’m not employed. I just need to have a TIN because it is one of the requirements of the Hospitals I’m applying. I went to BIR Branches and they only say one thing I can’t have a TIN unless I’m employed. Could you help me po. If I don’t have a TIN otherwise I won’t be able to apply in my prospect Hospitals. Thanks
Hi Sir Vic! Ask ko lang po kung pwede me makakuha ng tin ID for valid id purpose but I’m not employed right now and i’m already married..I have already tin no. when i was single and employed before..pwede ko po bang magamit ung tin no. ko noon at cert. of employment para makakuha ng tin ID? thanks a lot..!!
Question: paano po makakuha ng Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303) sa mga sole proprietorship, ano po mga requirements? thank you
pano po ba ako makakakuha ng tin.. wala po akong trabaho, gusto ko lang po for valid id.. tnx…
good day.. ask ko lng, kaylangan ba na employed k bago k makakuha ng tin? fresh grad kc ako, gusto ko sanang kumuha ng id, makakakuha kaya ako kahit wala akong work? kung pwede, how many days yung pagprocess ng id? need ko kasi sa pagkuha ng passport, balak kong kunin yung first work ko sa ibang bansa..
Hi Sir Vic, My company require me to submit my form 1902 or 2305 but i’d lost it. I dont have yet a TIN ID,and the TIN number is all what i have. What should i do to get that 1902 or 2305?
Please reply Sir….Thanks a lot!
Inquire with the BIR using your TIN. I think they will require you affidavit of loss on those documents
sir my employer told me to get my tin id.. uhm.. but i still dont have my tin number , can i get it at the same time?? thanks
If you still don’t have a TIN ever, BIR will assign you a TIN when you apply for a TIN card. Just visit BIR.
Thanks for sharing this information. It’s very helpful! 🙂
Sir i have a question, i am a guest lecturer of a school, im not employed and dont have any previous employment (so no TIN number at all). For them to release my Professional Fee, they require me to have a TIN number. How can i get one since they said that they dont provide certificate of employment for guest lecturers. i really need your help. thank you
You may register with the BIR as a self-employed professional.
Itatanong ko lang, kasi before nag work ako sa isang company. Sila ung nag apply ng TIN for me. Dapat ba binibigay ng employer ung TIN number sa employees nila? Tsaka wala na kasi ako dun sa company papano kaya un? Nakaalis nalang ako hindi ko alam ung TIN number ko..
You are the one to apply since it needs your signature. It can also be that your company was the one who prepared and filed your application and they only let you signed the form. Visit BIR and inquire if you already has a TIN in their database.
sir vic, i have the same situation in the comment above. i inquired in the BIR and they verify my TIN #, and it was address in Mandaluyong City,and i just want to get my TIN i.d in Davao City. and they said that i can get my TIN I.D. if i have a new employer. How can i get my TIN id even if i am not employed yet?i appreciate your reply. thank you!
hi sir Vic.. i need an TIN number … for bank transaction.. amounting to 10k aus dollars.. they said they need tin number.. which is better in the province or in the city.. thanks
Hello Sir Vic, I just want to ask, how many days before i can get my Tin ID.
Hello Sir Vic,
Pwede po kaya akong maissuehan ng TIN sa BIR office kasi kukuha po sana ko ng PASPORT sa DFA, wala po akong mapakitang any ID kasi d p po ko nakakapagwork, pupunta po kasi sana ako sa kamag-anak ko abroad, kukunin po nila ko. Nung nagpunta po kasi ko at sinabi ko po sa BIR ung case ko, sabi dapat daw my work n ko. Wala p po kasi akong any ID, ung SSS ID ko nmn po, dapat my contribution na at after 6 months p bago makuha ung id. Ung voter’s id ko nmn po, naliligaw kasi pinuntahan ko n ung office sa city hall sabi naipasa n raw sa brgy nmin pero wala p nmn po. TIN n lng po naiisip kong paraan, posible po kaya un? Sana matulungan nyo po ako. Salamat.
jonas…..pwede daw yun eh…nag inquire ako sa BIR…sabi ang case ng application eh ung PERSONS REGISTERING UNDER E.O. 98 (securing a TIN to be able to transact with any government office, e.g. LTO, NBI, DFA, etc.)……..ayan……ang BIR form na fifill up mo eh 1904.aun.
Hello sir,
I have already an assigned TIN but with no picture.. What will i do to update my TIN and
what are the requirements? Can i apply here thru online? Please advise..
gud day. one of the ID’s that is condidered valid here in the philippines is TIN ID (issued by the BIR). but i never had any. how can i get one.. i have my Tax Identification Number already. what I need now is an ID cARD. thank you
I lost my TIN ID. Where can I get the new one for replacement? Does it have a fee?
HI po,
Paano po ba kukuha ng TIN number? kung halimbawa po ay bibili ng property kailangan po kase ang Tin number sa documentation. Pwede po ba akong magpakuha lang ng TIN number sa Mama ko since andito po ako abroad?
Wala din pong TIN number ang Parents ko both paano po cla magkakaroon nun?
Sana po ay makapagbigay kayo ng advice.. salamat po.. GOD BLESS..
hi, i just want to ask, ive been working almost 3yrs i guess. but i dont knw whats my tin number! im just curious can i directly go to BIR and get a tin number? then is it a tin id already? or should i need to ask my previous company for my tin numbr? pls help me…….. thanks!
Good Afternoon..
Paano po ba kumuha ng TIN ID.. meron na po akong TIN number,kumuha ako nung mag-open ako ng Account sa BDO.. All i need now is an ID for my passport application… Gaano po ba katagal bago makuha ang ID?
Thanks 🙂
Sir vic,areyou working for BIR?
No. I’m not associated with BIR, SEC, and other government agencies.
Sir baka may contact ka sa loob ng bir.may kelangan lng akong documents.baka pwede mo ko mtulungan.
Hi. I don’t have contact with the BIR, especially in Metro Manila, since I’m not into BIR processing services, but in the business and marketing consulting. You may visit the BIR website and check their contact numbers for inquiry. Thanks.
Good day sir, I was wondering, how would I know my BIR TIN. I have already filled out a form when I previously worked but I don’t know my TIN number. I want to get my ID but I don’t know my TIN so how am I going to get that?
Hi Gud day po!! Ask ko Lang po kng pd ko Malayan ang tin no. Ko Kasi nawala po kc yong tin card ko. At saka nakalimutan ko po kng sA pagkadalaga ko or married na apelido gamit ko. Need ko LNG po malaman sA pagbili ng property. Ito po paka name ko Cherie cal Okabe or Cherie cal Lang ba!!? Saba po ay matulongan nyo po ako Kasi di na po sA pinas Nakatira. Tnx po n godless sA inyong Lhat!
Thanks for your blog. It’s very informative. Nalaman ko po recently na 2 pala ang TIN ko. Ang ginagamit ko pong TIN ay yung inapply ko nung 2006. Pero nalaman ko po na may OLD TIN na pala ako. Nagamit po ang OLD TIN ko sa ibang documento ko din.
1.) Ano po ang dapat kong ipacancel na TIN?
2.) Papaano ko po macacancel ang TIN?
3.) Pag nacancel na po ang TIN, ano po mangyayari sa mga accounts na ginamit ko ang TIN na yon? kelangan ko po ba ipapalit ang TIN sa mga accounts na yon?
salamat po!
Sir. I’ve already registered to the internet, and it says that i just have to go to the BIR. but i went to the BIR at the east avenue and the guard there says that that branch does not release tin numbers anymore. Where are the other branches of the BIr where can get my tin number? Hope somewhere as near as possible to my place? I live in Montalban Rodriguez Rizal. 🙂 thanks for the information
Sir Vic,
Good day!
I have no TIN yet, my new employer will be the one who will be processing my TIN, I fill-out a 1902 application form, together with the attachment of my birth certificate but my birth certificate is not yet from NSO. sabi po ng HRD namin ang kaylangan daw po ay birth certificate from nso. But from what i have red, you did not indicated it there. Please answer me.
Any immediate answer will be highly appreciated.
Hi Sir Vic!
Thank you for this informative post! I have a few queries. I am a contractual employee in an NGO and they require me a TIN number. Which category will I fall under? And what form will I use? Thank you!
hi sir!
May tanong lang po ako about sa tin application for self-employed. what if natapos na ang pagfill-up o pagprocess nung form, na encode na sa database ng empleyado ng BIR, nabigay na ang TIN tapos ang kulang na lang payment (Php500 annual fee, certification fee at documentary stamp) at an authorized agent bank of RDO. registered na po ba yun o hindi??
Hi Sir Vic
Ask ko lang po im 23years old well i have no job financial supported kasi well for short tambay ako. na stop kasi ako sa study and now my family wants me to finish my study. now i need a (2)valid I.D for bank transaction for money remitance. i already have an postal I.D now i need an BIR ID.. Is it possible for me to get an ID?
Hi sir.
i’m worried kasi ever since na nag work ako.. the company nag kakaltas but it never appeard sa BIR. like (KOREAN COMPANIES-online teaching) given na kasi na madaming ghost na nag nenegosyo ng ganyan.. just wondering kasi i need my ITR for getting a VISA since wala namang laman yung mga hulog ko… what should i do with this (Given na din na ndi kona mahahbol yung ibang company since 2 of my previous company closed down na din) and my company ngayon .. may PHILHEALTH, SSS pero walang TAX. so i’m worried pano ako mag kaka ITR. i’m planning of applying next month po sana. this is kind of a burden to me.
Hi everyone,
For lost ID and its replacement process, you may read this post.