Business organizations are dependent on their customers. They are the most important people for any business establishments because their success depends upon the revenue earned from these consumers.
As business entity, do you value your customers as part of your business cycle? Do you treat them as important as your employees and co-owners?
Here are some other reasons why customers need to be valued:
• If you are in any business which particularly engaged in sales, repeat selling is your backbone. You need the revenue coming from your customers to continuously operate and purchase your inventories for another resale.
• In business offering services, customers’ satisfaction can be measured by the income you collected from your services. Moreover, they pay for the wages of the employees and other personnel of the business.
• For any business, its growth depends on the customers’ trust and dependability on your product or service.
Though customers need the products or services they buy from their sellers, it does not guarantee that they will be back. Their patronage of your business will depend on their satisfaction in your products or services. Therefore, this means that you should think about long-term benefits whenever you do business, not just about being able to sell today.
To gain much satisfaction rate, business entities should consider the following in how to make their customers feel more valued:
1. Offer the best possible quality
Strive for an excellent quality of product or service that will enable the customers to serve their purpose of going to your establishment efficiently. The money that is spent by the customer must be given the product or service it deserves. Pricing, or the amount of money a company will receive in exchange of its product or service must be justified by the corresponding quality they offer.
2. Always protect the customers
Avoid anything that could be detrimental to health, safety or the growth of the consumers or customers. The customers’ security should be the primary concern of the company on their manufacture of the products or the execution of their service to their customers. Materials and other chemicals that are needed in the particular business should be used well. If health hazardous materials are unavoidably used, like in paints, insecticides, etc., there should be an appropriate guides and instructions of proper use.
3. Improve customer satisfaction as time goes by
Search to apply or make use of new discoveries and inventions of science to improve your products or services. In this way, customers will benefit from innovations that will make their applications of the said products or services more efficient than in previous times. To improve the products and services that are offered will also help increase the number of consumers and will mean more sales.
4. Customers’ trust should never be broken
In delivery basis, the ordered products or services must be delivered in quantity, quality and the time agreed upon by both parties. If an unnecessary instances, like natural calamities, crimes, or accidents that might happen upon the freight of the goods, it is best advisable to let the customers know and ask for other possible options. The price must also be given as agreed on and you should make sure not to come up with unreal shortages, unreasonable price, and similar practices to fraud.
5. Hear, know, and react on your customers’ needs, comments and reactions
Establish an after-sales and complaints service to commensurate with the kind of product or service and the price they paid. Accept all the complaints and suggestions positively because this will lead your company to the improvements of your business. Let what the customers want your product to be rather than what you want. The customers know how those products should be because they use them primarily. These complaints and reviews could be costly but they are the best way to improve your products and services and gain more customers.
6. Make sure that your customers know how to, when to, and what is the use of the services
Brochures, written advertisements and the packaging of the products should be informative and true. Proper instructions and honest contents of the product should be stated properly and the process of offering services should be evaluated to avoid misleading of the customers and malfunctions.
7. Consider honesty and values
The precept of honesty and the sound of cultural values in the community and manifestation of respect for human dignity must be taken into account in your relationship with your customers. In other words manufacturing companies should not cheat the public or make them think they are satisfied even if they are actually deceived.
a. Deceptive packaging is the most common cheating form of manufacturing companies to make their products appear having high volume of size through its package or containers. They make their containers look huge for the people to think that they contain large volume of the product. Air is their cheap filter. It causes the volume of anything inside a pack to become smaller.
b. Another form of cheating the consumers is through the labeling. Some food manufacturers label nutrition contents which are not present in their food.
c. In service businesses, such as parlors, spas and other services which offer chemical or other product applications, some of them use substandard ones. Those may cause harm to the health of the customers. Therefore, businesses should avoid that as part of their social responsibility, and also, to avoid going against the law.
8. Keep a good relationship with customers
Sales personnel, the manager and other employees of the business must show good human relation to their customers. Customers often not return to the said establishment, particularly stores and service centers, when they do not feel special, valued and important. It is essential for the customers not to have a bad experience after entering your store or establishment. Thus, make them feel your warm appreciation for their visit. Even though, they were not able to purchase an item from your store, do not show them signs of discontentment from you. Instead, always give a positive reaction by smiling. Also, encourage them to return and buy the item or items whenever they decided to do so.

Joan Cyril Abello graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts. She is a content writer and a blogger. Currently, she’s a content specialist at BusinessTips. Follow her on Twitter at @Joan_Cyril.
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