What is a business profit? Business profit refers to the excess of the business' total income less all expenses within the accounting period, which may be presented monthly, quarterly or annually. However, please be informed that a loss, instead of a profit, will be the result if … [Read more...]
How to Surely Make Money Online on Your Blog
Have you been blogging for several months now or even more than a year but still unfortunate in making money on your blog? Perhaps, you have tried placing PPC advertisements like Adsense, but still only earning cents and can’t even reach the threshold for earning payout. Maybe … [Read more...]
How to Have Loyal and Fully Satisfied Customers
Airports are always a great place to find awesome customer service experiences as well as the worst. I was at the Kuala Lumpur Airport en route to Manila when I experienced both. I was traveling with a friend at the time but she couldn’t make it to the return flight. … [Read more...]
How to Ensure Success in Your Business
Who doesn’t want to become a successful business person? Of course we all want success for our businesses. But how can we ensure such success? What is the secret to assure that our business goals and objectives will be accomplished? The key to ensuring business success is simply… … [Read more...]
Where is the Real Business Competition?
Where is the real business competition happening? Who are the real winners in this competition? Are they the businesses or companies with the highest and biggest assets, equity, sales and or profits? Business cannot survive without profiting. We know that, but if we will be more … [Read more...]
What is a Statement Comprehensive Income?
What is a statement of comprehensive income? The statement of comprehensive income is one of the components of a complete set of financial statements, along with the statement of financial position (balance sheet), statement of cash flows, statement of changes in equity, and … [Read more...]