Marketing doesn’t only starts from the time we promote our business or products to customers, but it co-exists with the life of our business. When we create a business plan, we should also create a marketing plan. In other words, marketing is an essential part of our business success from conception to expansion. There are many marketing principles and techniques we can learn. Most of them are learned inside the classroom, but there are also great principles that are realized outside the school. Some of our marketing knowledge and wisdom are taught by our great marketing mentors; some of them come from our own experiences. But marketing is such a great insight that there are marketing principles that can only be attained through personal reflection. Besides, it involves maintaining good customers or human relations.
Marketers work online and offline. And whether it is backed up with the latest technology or an expensive budget, marketing isn’t far different from doing it manually and freely. The ultimate goal of marketing is to provide value for customers and consequently achieve success for all of our business stakeholders, which include our workers, the society and ourselves. This site aims to teach its visitors and readers how to become a better marketer by consistently publishing free marketing articles and resources. The following are some of our blog posts and resources on marketing. Enjoy and learn!
50 Free Small Business Marketing Ideas and Techniques
Here is a list of 50 marketing ideas and techniques you can apply to your small business. Actually, big businesses also practice them. But since you will not incur any dime to perform these techniques, this can be a ground where micro businesses and giant businesses have equal opportunities to succeed.
How to Increase Blog Traffic Using the Marketing Mix
I’ve been using these techniques to attract a thousand unique visitors every day. Take note that I haven’t spent any penny for Internet marketing campaigns and this blog is just more than 5 month old. The online marketing secret is a combination of the king (content) and its knights (Search Engine Optimization – SEO) with other online and offline marketing strategies.
10 Marketing Tactics and Strategies for Your Small Business
Being a small business owner or entrepreneur doesn’t mean having a smaller chance of succeeding in business when it comes to marketing. These 10 marketing tactics can be used to overcome the marketing competition amidst of your giant business competitors.
Quotes and Sayings about Marketing
Quotations from the greatest men of our history are great sources of wisdom. When it comes to marketing, we can also dig great marketing insights from those short quotes and phrases which are filled with deep marketing wisdom. This blog post lists some of the quotes and sayings from people who can be our best marketing mentors.
Marketing Tip: Give Time to Customers
This article gives a quick tip to attract prospective customers and preserve existing customers. We spend money on marketing, but we also need to spend time on that process, from ensuring the quality of our products or services to assuring that our customers’ feedback are properly addressed and acted upon.
How to Keep Customers Coming Back to Buy Your Products
As its title suggests, this article will teach you an important lesson and secret on how to keep your customers coming back to patronized your products. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn the formula. Discover it and achieve marketing and entrepreneurial success.
How to Really Make Your Customers Happy
When it comes to customers, there shouldn’t only be quantity of customers, but also quality of customers. Quality customers mean happy and satisfied customers. This article will guide you to making your customers or consumers really happy.
How to Become a Better Marketer
Becoming a better marketer starts in having a better understanding of the whole process of marketing. Are you making the lives of your customers better? Learn the holistic approach of marketing and how you can apply it to becoming a better marketer.
How to Become a Successful Marketer in 4 Steps
This story tells four simple yet big steps to becoming a successful marketer. They are simple, but as we will realize it, life is simple yet difficult. This is also the same when it comes to achieving success in business marketing. That is why we need to prepare ourselves to become simplified yet ready to face hardships. Besides, great people are happy when they are challenged. Read this article and learn not only to become a triumphant marketer, but also to become a happy marketer.
10 Tips to Having Loyal Customers
This is a list of 10 marketing tips to getting loyal customers. With the tough competition and ever evolving market out there, we need to ensure that we are having faithful and dedicated customers who will always support our company or brand. Learn how to give value to your customers and influence your customers to value you more.
To read more free marketing articles and resources, please visit and browse our “Marketing Category Page”. Have joy and have real success!
Victorino Q. Abrugar is a marketing strategist and business consultant from Tacloban City, Philippines. Vic has been in the online marketing industry for more than 7 years, practicing problogging, web development, content marketing, SEO, social media marketing, and consulting.
nice resource you have here. All the articles you mentioned here can help a budding entrepreneur become better at his trade. cheers, Miggy
Thanks for visiting here Miggy. Good luck to your blog. I’m glad you dedicate it to Filipinos – truly pinoy. 🙂